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The registration fee is 500€, including lecture notes and lunches
Note that there are a number of grants covering the fees, sponsored by the European Commission through the FP7 projects ATCoMe and E-CAero. In addition, full time students may apply for financial aid for traveling and accommodation expenses.

The Summer School has a limited audience of 50 seats. If more than 50 applications are received, they will be selected using academic criteria.

To apply for the Summer School, please,
-fill-in the web registration form, and
-send the application form to with the subject "DG summer school application", at your earliest convenience, best before April 29th 2012, and not later than May 13th 2012. Applications submitted before April 29th will receive full consideration in the first round of the selection process.

In the application form you are requested to write information regarding your background in numerical methods and computational mechanics, and a brief statement about your interest in the Summer School and the expected benefits for your research career.

You have to commit yourself (or find the commitment from your research group or laboratory) to fund your travel and accommodation expenses in case your application is selected.

To be registered as a participant for the Summer School, please do the following:

If you are not registered
  • You need to enter your personal information in the form choose your own login and password and save it.
If you are registered
  • Enter the site using your login and password.

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain. / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 94 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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