Mesomechanical analysis of concrete under loading that generates rotation of cracking
L. Puiggrós*, C.M. López, M. Rodríguez and I. Carol
Damage plastic model for concrete failure under impulsive loadings
D. Guilbaud*
Elastoplastic analysis of concrete and geomaterials with the DEM
F. Arrufat* and E. Oñate
Simulations of fracture in concrete beams under bending using a continuum and discrete approach
M. Nitka, L. Skarzynski and J. Tejchman*
Non-linear static analysis of masonry structures
J. Coene*, S. François and G. Degrande
Application of finite discrete element method in dynamic analysis of masonry structures
Ž. Nikolić, H. Smoljanović* and N. Živaljić