Numerical prediction of Portevin-le Châtelier effect by means of rate-dependent plasticity models under several strain paths
L.Z. Mansouri*, S. Thuillier, J.W. Yoon and P.Y. Manach
Recent advances in residual stress simulation caused by the welding process
H. Sallem*, E. Feulvarch, H. Amin El Sayed, B. Souloumiac, J-B. Leblond and J-M. Bergheau
High-fidelity numerical simulation of Additive Manufacturing processes
M. Chiumenti*, W. Huang, X. Lin, M. Cervera, C. Agelet de Saracibar, N. Dialami, L. Ma and L. Wei
Influences of yield criteria on stress based forming limit diagram of DP980 steel
S. Panich* and V. Uthaisangsuk
Study on the springback of FDSC MPF for cylindrical surfaces
B. Jia*, W. Wang and H. Di
Finite element modelling of cold pilgering of tubes
Y. Azizoğlu*, M. Gärdsback, B. Sjöberg and L-E. Lindgren