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3/9/09    11:00 - 13:00
Multiscale Computational Strategies for Damage Propagation and Evolving Discontinuities
Invited Session organized by Olivier Allix, Ekkehard Ramm and Peter Wriggers
Room: VS206a
Chair: Ekkehard Ramm
CoChair: Peter Wriggers

Applications of Domain Decomposition Techniques for the Multiscale Modeling of Softening Materials
O. Lloberas Valls, D.J. Rixen, A. Simone and L.J. Sluys

A Micro/Macro Domain Decomposition Strategy with Structural Preconditionner for the 3D Analysis of Debonding in Laminates
O.  Allix, P. Kerfriden and P. Gosselet

Multiscale Finite Element Computation for Crack Propagation in Media with Microstructures and the Effect of T Stress on the Directional Stability of Cracks
S. Im, D. Sohn and J.H. Lim

Dynamic crack propagation Simulation:X-FEM a Good Tool for this Difficult Challenge
A. Combescure, J. Réthoré and H. Maigre

Modeling of Strong Discontinuities at Finite Strains: A Comparison of Different Approaches without Enforcing Crack Path Continuity
R. Radulovic and J. Mosler

On a Micro-Meso Two-Scale Damage Model for Concrete
V.P. Nguyen, M. Stroeven and L.J. Sluys

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