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List of Accepted Papers

2D Adaptive Methodology for the Simulation of Metal Forming Processes with Damage
C.Labergčre, A.Rassineux, K.Saanouni

3D Damage Model for Quasi-Brittle Materials: Induced Anisotropy, Unilateral Effect, Permanent Strains
G.Lebon, F.Ragueneau, R.Desmorat

3D Finite Element Analysis of Smooth Muscle Contraction Considering Calcium Diffusion
M.Böl, F.E.Gunawan, G.A.Holzapfel

3D Modeling of Non-Planar Curved Crack Growth Using Modified-SPR Technique and Adaptive Mesh Strategy
A.R.Khoei, H.Moslemi

3D Multisurface Model for Chipboard at Large Strains: Theory, Algorithmic Stabilization and Numerical Simulations of Anchor Pull-Out Tests
G. Meschke, M. Gofman, S. Müller

3D Simulations for Cold Pilgering Process by Explicit FEM
H.Nakanishi, S.Toyoshima, M.Harada, A.Honda

A Comparison Between Different Strain Rate Control Strategies for Superplastic Forming Obtained by Numerical Simulation
C. Robert, P. Dal Santo, A. Delamézičre

A Computational Study of Fracture in Ferroelectric Single Crystals
A.Abdollahi, I.Arias

A Continuous-Discontinuous Approach to Simulate Failure of Quasi-Brittle Materials
P.Moonen, L.J.Sluys, J.Carmeliet

A Continuous-Discontinuous Model for Softening and Cracking based on Non-Local Gradient Elasticity
A.Rodriguez-Ferran, E.Tamayo-Mas, T.Bennett, H.Askes

A Damage-Plastic Model for Simulation of Reinforced Concrete Failure
P.J.Sánchez, G.Díaz, A.E.Huespe, J.Oliver

A Discussion on SMA Beams under Flexure Exploiting the Shape-Memory Effect
F.Auricchio, M.Conti, S.Morganti, A.Reali

A Generalized Plasticity Constitutive Model for Unsaturated Soils Under Monotonic and Cyclic Loading
D.Manzanal, M.Pastor, J.Fernández Merodo

A Green-Naghdi Approach to Finite Anisotropic Thermo-Viscoplasticity in Logarithmic Lagrangean Strain-Entropy Space

A Higher-Order Stress-Resultant Shell Formulation Based on Multiscale Homogenization
R.Larsson, M.Landervik

A Hybrid Beam Hystereetic Element for Inelastic Analysis of Plane Frames
V.K.Koumousis, K.G.Leontari

A Meso-Macro Modelling of Concrete
L.Skarżyński, J.Tejchman

A Micro/Macro Domain Decomposition Strategy with Structural Preconditionner for the 3D Analysis of Debonding in Laminates
O. Allix, P.Kerfriden, P.Gosselet

A Model for Concrete Based on Micromechanical Solutions
T.Jefferson, I.Mihai, P.Lyons

A Mortar Method for Finite Deformation Frictional Contact Using a Primal-Dual Active Set Strategy
A.Popp, M.Gitterle, M.W.Gee, W.A.Wall

A Multi-Time-Scale Cohesive-Zone Model for the Analysis of Fatigue Crack Growth in Composite Laminates and Adhesive Joints

A New 6-Node Shell Element Using Full 3D Elasticity and Plasticity
M.Sansalone, F.Sabourin, M.Brunet

A New Approach for the Compensation of Off Plane Tube Bending
J.Wu, Y.Li

A New Energy-Momentum Conserving Time Stepping Algorithm for Contact-Impact
R.Bravo, J.L.Pérez-Aparicio

A New Model of Large Deformation Generalized Plasticity
V.P.Panoskaltsis, D.Soldatos, S.P.Triantafyllou

A New Triangular Element for the Analysis of Plane Stress / Plane Strain Plasticity Problems
S.P.Triantafyllou, V.K.Koumousis

A Non-Intrusive Global/Local Strategy for Large Structures with Localized Plasticity
L.Gendre, O.Allix, P.Gosselet, F.Comte

A Nonlinear Beam Finite Element for Inelastic Constitution
E.Artioli, F.Auricchio, R.L.Taylor

A Novel Least Squares-based Finite Cover Method for Elastoplastic Problems
X.Y.Zhuang, R.S.Crouch, C.E.Augarde

A Numerical Algorithm for the Prediction of Growth and Propagation of Interfaces
L.Contrafatto, M.Cuomo

A Numerical Method for Predicting Elasto-plastic Response of Functionally Graded Materials
B.Haghpanah Jahromi, A.Ajdari, A.Vaziri

A Phase-Field Model for Recrystallization Based on Balance Laws and Simulation of Nucleation from Subgrain and Nucleus Growth
M.Muramatsu, K.Shizawa

A Regularized XFEM Framework for Continuous/Discontinuous Displacements
E.Benvenuti, A.Tralli

A Smooth Yield Surface Based on Interpolation of Bézier Curves for Masonry Modelling
K.Heyens, K.De Proft, L.J.Sluys

A Strategy for the Numerical Simulation of Metal Deposition and Multi-Pass Welding Processes
N.Dialami, M.Chiumenti, C.Agelet de Saracibar, M.Cervera

A Thermodynamically Consistent Multiscale and Multiphysics Model for Concrete
B.A.Schrefler, F.Pesavento, D.Gawin, W.G.Gray

A Tribute to Olek C. Zienkiewicz from a Solid Mechanics Perspective

A Unified Computational Model for Mono- and Polycristalline Shape Memory Alloys
G.Sagar, E.Stein

A View on the Ways Design of Reliability Criteria in Structural Mechanics

Advanced Models for Evolving Anisotropy in Sheet Metals during Loading
T.Clausmeyer, M.Noman, B.Svendsen

An Advanced Material Model for Aluminum Sheet Forming at Elevated Temperatures
S.Kurukuri, A.Miroux, M.Ghosh, A.H.van den Boogaard

An Application of Finite Element Method in Precision Blanking Process

An Efficient Algorithm for Nonsmooth Multisurface Plasticity

An Elastoplastic Model for the THM Analysis of Freezing Soils
S.Nishimura, A.Gens, S.Olivella, R.Jardine

An Equivalent Element Approach for Modelling Assembly Points in Joined Structures
M.Berot, F.Bay

An Integrated Computational Approach for Osseointegration and Long Term Stability of Bone Implants
A.Lutz, U.Nackenhorst

An Integrated Model of Transformation between Austenite, Rhombohedral and Martensite Phases in Nitinol Polycrystals
A.Sengupta, P.Papadopoulos, R.L.Taylor

An Interior – Point Algorithm for Hyper-Plastic Models for Soils
S.Samat, J. Vaunat, A. Gens

An Investigation on Instability Loci for Partially Saturated Soils
G.Buscarnera, R.Nova

An Investigation on the Accuracy of Pushover Analysis for Estimating the Seismic Demands of the 3D Buildings with Setback
H.Shakib, A.Emadi, A.A.Aghakouchak

Analysis of 3D Gurson Damage Problems with Ale Formulation
L.Cunda, G.Creus

Analysis of a Model for Shape-Memory Alloys at Large Strains Accounting for Electric Conduction

Analysis of Intergranular Crack Propagation in Brittle Polycrystals with a Generalized Finite Element Method and a Network Algorithm
Z.Shabir, E.Van der Giessen, C.A.Duarte, A.Simone

Analysis of Kinematic Hardening in Natural Clay by Micromechanical Approach
Z.Y.Yin, P.Y.Hicher, C.S.Chang, M.Karstunen

Analysis of Residual Stress in Carbon Steel after Localized Heating
T. Ito, M.Murata, T.Kuboki, Y.Jin

Analysis of the Stress-Strain Fields in Multi-Crsytalline Silicon with Sic Particles
S.Gouttebroze, S.Dumoulin, J.Cochard

Analytic Solution to the Elastic-Plastic Dynamic Sphere Test Problem
J.S.Brock, T.O.Williams, J.R.Kamm

Application of Mesh Overlaying Technique to Rigid-plastic Finite Element Analysis
T.Higo, N.Kikuchi, K.Yamada, S.Ogawa

Applications of Domain Decomposition Techniques for the Multiscale Modeling of Softening Materials
O.Lloberas Valls, D.J.Rixen, A.Simone, L.J.Sluys

Arbitrary Bi-Dimensional Finite Strain Crack Propagation
P.Areias, D.Dias-da-Costa, J.Alfaiate, E.Júlio

Are Gradient Damage Models Applicable up to Utimate Fracture?
E.Lorentz, V.Godard

Artificial Neural Networks to Model the Non Linear Behaviour of Hierarchical Composites
D.P.Boso, M.J.Lefik, B.A.Schrefler

Assessment of Performance of Various Shell Elements in Tube Bending and Hydroforming in Computational Industrial Environment
X.Élie-dit-Cosaque, A.Gakwaya, J.Lévesque

Assessment of Periodic Homogenisation-Based Multi-Scale Computational Schemes for Quasi-Brittle Structural Failure
B.C.Mercatoris, T.J.Massart

Automatic Adjustment Method to Fit T•LOG(T/π0) Scaling for Time Evolution Thermal Depending Properties of Nanocristalline Iron
J.Solŕ, J.Llumŕ, J.Jorba

Automatic Design of Addendum Surfaces in Sheet Forming Process
M.Dong, K.Debray, Y.Guo

Biomechanical Modeling of the Femoro-Acetabular Impingement of the Cam Type
D.Lopes, F.Simőes, E.Pires, P.Rego

Calculations of Size Effect in Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Beams within Stochastic Elasto-Plasticity with Non-local Softening
E.Syroka, J.Bobinski, J.Górski, J.Tejchman

Comparative Study between Ductile Damage Constitutive Models
L.Malcher, F.M.Andrade Pires, J.M.César de Sá, F.X.Andrade

Comparison of Different Numerical Algorithms in Plasticity with Non-Local Softening to Model Crack Formation
J.Bobinski, J.Tejchman

Comparison of Two Novel Approaches to Model Fibre Reinforced Concrete
F.Radtke, A.Simone, L.J.Sluys

Computational Aspects of the Integration of Von Mises Elastoplasticity Model with Combined Hardening
A.Kossa, L.Szabó

Computational Mechanics of Multi-Layered Collagenous Soft Tissues: State of the Art and Challenges Ahead

Computational Modeling of External Sulfate Attack in Concrete at the Meso-Level
A.Idiart, I.Carol, C.M.López, J.Murcia

Computational Modelling of Propagating Discontinuities in Materials with Bulk and Interface Fractures
C.Foster, D.Weed

Computer-Aided Shape Design of Thin Metallic Part Produced by Multi-Step Stamping
M. Azaouzi, S.Belouettar, A. Delamézičre, J.L.Batoz

Constitutive Modelling of Rock Joints
J.Duriez, F.Darve, F.V.Donze

Constitutive Modelling of Thermoplastics: Parameters identification procedure
M.Polanco-Loria, S.Dumoulin, T.Coudert

Continuum Mechanical Material Modelling of Elastic and Plastic Anisotropy with Application to Sheet Metal Forming
M.P.Pietryga, I.N.Vladimirov, S.Reese

Convexity of Models with Directional Distortional Hardening and its Computational Implication
J.Plesek, H.P.Feigenbaum, Y.F.Dafalias

Coupled Discrete/Finite Element Methods as a Virtual Test Device
P.Wriggers, C.Wellmann, I.Temizer

Coupled Friction and Roughness Surface Effects in Shallow Spherical Nanoindentation
P.Berke, F.El Houdaigui, T.J.Massart

Crack Openings Computation using a Continuum Damage Based Approach: Application to Reinforced Concrete Structures
M.Matallah, C.La Borderie, O.Maurel

Crystal Plasticity Modelling of Monotonic Shear Tests on Pure Titanium
W.Hammami, S.Bouvier, L.Duchęne, L.Delannay, A.M.Habraken

Crystal Plasticity Phase-Field Simulation of Deformation Behavior and Microstructure Evolution in Polycrystalline Material
A. Yamanaka, T. Takaki, Y. Tomita, M. Yoshino

Cyber-Enabled Predictive Science-Based Continuum Mechanics for Multiscale Fracture Process Discovery

Cyclic Deformation Modelling for a Polycrystalline Nickel-Based Superalloy at Elevated Temperature
B.Lin, L.G.Zhao, J.Tong, H.J.Christ

Damage and Fracture of Materials Submitted to High Strain Rates. An Implicit Thermomechanically Coupled Approach
P.P.Jeunechamps, J.P.Ponthot

Damage Coupled Elasto-Plastic Analysis of a Frame
E.Chica, P.López-Reyes, J.M.Terán, A.L.Ibán

Damage Dependent Stress Limit Model for Failure Prediction in Bulk Forming Processes
L.Tong, B.Berisha, P.Hora

Damaged Interface Modeling by Homogenization Techniques
A.Rekik, F.Lebon

Design Optimization of Heterogeneous Materials for Non-Linear Response
E.Ramm, F.Hilchenbach, J.Kato, A.Lipka

Development and Validation of a Finite-Element Model for Radial Forging
S.Wallner, O.Harrer, T.Hatzenbichler, B.Buchmayr

Development of a Dislocation-Based Constitutive Law for FCC Crystals on a Wide Range of Deformation Amplitude
C.Manole, C.Depres, L.Tabourot

Diffusion Induced Phase Decomposition and its Influence on The Strength of Binary Alloys
K.Weinberg, D.Anders, C.Laun

Discontinuous Velocity Domain Splitting Method in Limit Analysis
I.R.Ionescu, E.Oudet

Dislocation Line Motion and the Flow Behavior of the Lamellar Liquid Crystals
C-Y.Lu, P.Chen, Y.Ishii, S.Komura, K.Kato

Dwell Fatigue Initiation in Polycrystalline Ti Alloys Using Multi-Time Scaling Crystal Plasticity FE Models
S.Ghosh, P. Chakraborty

Dynamic crack propagation Simulation:X-FEM a Good Tool for this Difficult Challenge
A.Combescure, J.Réthoré, H.Maigre

Dynamic Multi-Scale Modeling of Lung Parenchyma
L.Wiechert, W.A.Wall

Dynamics of Bodies in Rolling Contact – A Multiscale Approach
U.Nackenhorst, R. Chiarello, A.Suwannachit

Earing and Wall Thickness in Cylindrical Deep Drawing
J.Mulder, G.T.Nagy

Effect of Different Contact Formulations Used in Commercial FEM Software Packages on the Results of Hot Forging Simulations
T.Hatzenbichler, B.Buchmayr, O.Harrer, F.Planitzer

Effect of Pre-strain History on Mechanical Characteristics in Aluminium 1070
J.Oguri, M.Murata, T.Kuboki, K.Terada

Effect of UOE Manufacturing Process on Pressure Buckling of Thick-walled Pipes
G.E.Varelis, M.Vathi, S.Houliara, S.A.Karamanos

Effects of Back Stress in Metal Matrix Composite due to the Plastic Strain Gradients

Efficient Method for the Prediction of Damage Growth in Structures
R.Elkhaoulani, P.O.Bouchard

Emergence of Complex Defect Structures in Metals at Extreme Loading Rates
A.Zubelewicz, J.Fung

Energy Absorption in Plastic Expansion of Circular Metal Tubes
R.Azizi, S.Salehghaffari

Energy Release Control for Nonlinear Mesoscale Simulations
S.Eckardt, C.Könke

Estimation of Cyclic Life Fatigue of Corrugated Hoses
H.Hachemi, H.Kebir, J.M.Roelandt, E.Wintrebert

Estimation of Load Exerting on Tool Surface in Upsetting of Tube Ends
S.Murakami, M.Akiyama

Evaluation of Environment-Friendly Lubricant by Erichsen Test
H.Ohyama, M.Akiyama

Evaluation of New Rolling Method Ensuring High Reduction Near Billet Centre
Y.Okuda, M.Akiyama

Evolving Confinement and Strain Gradient Plasticity for the Size Dependent Behaviour of Polycrystals
T.J.Massart, L.Mazzoni-Leduc, T.Pardoen

Extended Cell Modeling in Multi-Resolution Continuum Theory for Heterogeneous Material
D.Lee, W.K.Liu, L.Siad, X.Yin, M.K.Kim, Y-S.Chang, J-B.Choi, Y-J.Kim

F.E.M. Thermal Study of Grinding of a Titanium Alloy
S.Santos, A.Vieira, M.Parente, R.Jorge

Failure Criteria applied to Ship Structures Subjected to Explosive Blast Loadings
M.Tyler-Street, J.Luyten

Failure Modes of Silicon Dies
H.Quade, A.Pandolfi, K.Weinberg

FE Modelling of Shear Localization in Granular Bodies under high Shear Rate

FE Simulation of Cross Roll Straightening: a Submodel Approach
A.Mutrux, B.Berisha, M.Weber, P.Hora

Feasibility Study by Finite Element Analysis on Free Size Drawing Using a Pair of Concave Rolls
T.Kuboki, Y.Senzaki, M.Murata

FE-Simulation of Combined Induction Heating and Extrusion in Manufacturing of Stainless Steel Tubes
M.Fisk, S. Hansson

Finite Element Analysis of Damage in Ductile Structures Using a Nonlocal Model Combined with a Three-Field Formulation
S.Feld-Payet, J.Besson, F.Feyel

Finite Element Computations Based on Rosenbrock-Type Methods
A.W.Hamkar, S.Hartmann

Finite Element Implementations of Texture-Based Plastic Anisotropy using the Facet Method
A.Van Bael, S.K.Yerra, P. Van Houtte

Finite Element Investigation of the Bearing Capacity Factor NGamma

Finite Element Investigation of the Elastic-Plastic Response Underneath Various Indentors and its Application in Ni-Based Alloys Indentation Processes.
Z.Hruby, J.Plesek, S.Tin

Finite Element Modeling of Martensite Grain Size Effect on Localized Deformation in Dual Phase Steels
J.Kadkhodapour, A.Butz, A.Prakash, S.Ziaei Rad

Finite Element Simulation of Roll Forming of Seam-Welded Pipes in Initial Three Stands
H.Takuda, K.Tsujikawa, T.Hama, K.Iguchi, H.Hishida

Finite Element Simulation of Transient and Non-linear Fully Coupled Thermoelectrics
J.L.Pérez-Aparicio, R.Palma

Finite Elements with Embedded Discontinuities and Branching for the Modeling of Failure in Solids

Forming Limit in Hot End Forging of Tube
M.Morita, S.Murakami, M.Akiyama

Forming Parameters Analysis in the Simulation of Tube Hydroforming
M.S.Chebbah, M.Hecini, H.Naceur

Formulation and Computational Application of Inelastic Media with Uncertain Parameters
B.Rosic, H.G.Matthies, M.Zivkovic, A.Ibrahimbegovic

From Contact Mechanics to Fluid/Structure Interaction: Recent Developments in Interface Discretization and Stabilization
T.A.Laursen, J.E.Dolbow, Y.Jung, J.Sanders

Generalized Formulation for Inelastic Analysis of Steel Structures
A.Silva, R.Silveira, F.Neves, W.Ferreira

Geometric Variables and Yield Criteria in Damage Mechanics

Geometrically Non-Linear Modeling of the PLC Effect
T.Böhlke, G. Bondár, Y.Estrin, M.A.Lebyodkin

Glaucoma and Numerical Modeling and Remodeling of the Lamina Cribrosa at Multiple Scales.
R.Grytz, G.Meschke

Heat Transfer Coefficient Identification in Hot Stamping Processes
F.Tondini, P.Bosetti, S.Bruschi

Heterogeneous Materials Failure: 3D Meso-Scale Modeling with Embedded Discontinuities
N.Benkemoun, M.Hautefeuille, J-B.Colliat, A.Ibrahimbegovic

Imaging and Computation in the Analysis of Aneurysmal Disease

Implementation of an Anisotropic Damage Material Model for Non-Proportional Loading
M.S.Niazi, H.H.Wisselink, T.Meinders, J.Huétink

Implementation of an Evolving Anisotropic Behaviour for the Hexagonal Closed Packed Materials
B.Revil-Baudard, E.Massoni

Influence of Cracking in the Desiccation Process of Clay Soils
H.U.Levatti, P.Prat, A.Ledesma

Influence of Lode Angle Dependency on the Critical State for Rotational Plasticity
W.M.Coombs, R.S.Crouch, C.E.Augarde

Influence of Plastic Strain History on Young‘s Modulus
K.Iida, M.Akiyama

Influence of Temperature and Grain-Size on Phase Field Crystal Deformation Simulation
T.Hirouchi, T.Takaki, Y.Shibutani, Y.Tomita

Influence of the Abstraction Level in Kinematical Models of Finite Element Formulations
S.Nikulla, C.Könke, K.Gürlebeck, T.Most

Innovative FE-Analysis of the Roller Burnishing Process for Different Geometries
F.Klocke, V.Baecker, H.Wegner, A.Timmer

Integrated Model of Elastoplastic and Damage Behavior of Composites
L.Sun, H.Liu, J.Ju

Isogeometrical Approach for Curved Beams Allowing Large Sliding Contact
A.Konyukhov, K.Schweizerhof

Isotropic Damage Model Coupled to Frictional Sliding to Model the Ultimate Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Elements
B.Richard, F.Ragueneau, C.Cremona, L.Adelaide, J.L.Tailhan

Mannesmann Fracture Prediction In Tube Piercing
S.Fanini, S.Bruschi, A.Ghiotti

Mapping the Dislocation Strengthening in Rheological Model of BCC Ultrafine-Grained Structures
J.Majta, K.Muszka, K.Doniec, D.S.Svyetlichnyy

Mean-Field Modeling of Elasto-Plastic Composites under Non-monotonic Loading
L.Brassart, L.Delannay, I.Doghri

Measurement and Modeling of Friction for Sheet Metal Forming Simulations
Y.S.Kim, M.K.Jain, D.R.Metzger

Measurement of Crack Openings in the 2d Case Comparison Between Experimental and Numerical Results
F.Dufour, G.Pijaudier-Cabot, G.Legrain

Meso-Mechanical Analysis of the Fracture of Concrete Specimens in Mixed Mode
M.Rodriguez, C.M López, I.Carol

Micro- and Macro- Consistent Linearization and the Block Newton Algorithms for the Nonlinear Multi-Scale Analysis Based on the Homogenization Method
K.Matsui, T.Yamada

Microstructural Modeling of Failure Modes in Crystalline Materials
T.M.Hatem, M.A.Zikry

Microstructure Design for High Formability Aluminum Alloy Sheet Metal Based on Crystallographic Homogenized Multi-Scale Analysis
H.Kuramae, H.Sakamoto, Y.Nakamura, H.Morimoto, E.Nakamachi

Modeling and Simulation of the Heterogenous Material Behavior in Thermal-Sprayed Coatings
B.Klusemann, C.Hortig, B.Svendsen

Modeling of Dislocation Interaction with Shock Waves in Small Volumes

Modeling of Fracture Process in Fibrous Concrete Using a Lattice Model
J.Kozicki, J.Tejchman

Modeling of Strong Discontinuities at Finite Strains: A Comparison of Different Approaches without Enforcing Crack Path Continuity
R.Radulovic, J.Mosler

Modeling of the Behavior of Concrete Tunnel Linings under Combined Mechanical and Thermal Loading During Fire
M.Zeiml, T.Ring, R.Lackner, H.A.Mang

Modelling of a Deep Excavation in Stiff Clays
J.Vaunat, B.Garitte, A.Gens

Modelling of Complex Microstructures in Multi Phase Steels.Geometrical Considerations for Building an Rve
P.Kok, F.Korver

Modelling of Concrete Behaviour Under Cycling Loading using Different Coupled Elasto-Plastic-Damage Models with Non-local Softening
I.Marzec, J.Tejchman

Modelling of Ductile Fracture
M.Seabra, J.M.César de Sá, F.Pires, F.X.Andrade

Modelling of Surface Wear by the Particle Finite Element Method. Application to Tunnelling Processes
J.M.Carbonell, B.Suárez, E.Ońate

Modelling the Forming Process of Uncured Rubber Compounds
C.Zopf, M.Kaliske, C.Brüggemann

Modelling the Powder Metallurgical Production of MMC Coatings
J.Frischkorn, S.Reese

MS Simulations of Dislocation Generation from Free Surfaces in Iron
G.Monnet, C.Domain

Multi Scale Modeling Based on Digital Material Representation
L.Madej, G.Cybulka, K.Perzynski, L.Rauch, M.Pietrzyk

Multiaxial and Dynamic Compression Behavior of Low-Deisnty Porous Materials and their Constitutive Representation
A.Sakuma, N.Azusawa, M.Shinomiya, M.Watanabe, M.Abe, S.Nagaki

Multi-Phase-Field Modeling and Simulation for Static Recrystallization
T.Takaki, Y.Tomita

Multiphysics Simulation of Metal Sheet Electromagnetic Forming
O.Fruitos, R.Otin, R.Méndez, J.Llumŕ

Multi-Scale Analyses of Head Crash Injury by Employing Micro Blood Vessel and Nerve Cell Models

Multiscale Crystal Plasticity Modeling and Simulation on Ultrafine-Graining of FCC Polycrystal Based on Evolution of Dislocation Structures
R.Kobayashi, Y.Aoyagi, K.Shizawa

Multi-Scale Finite Element Analysis of LDH Tests Based on Crystallographic Homogenization Method
Y.Ikeya, H.Kuramae, H.Morimoto, H.Sakamoto, E.Nakamachi, T.Katayama

Multiscale Finite Element Computation for Crack Propagation in Media with Microstructures and the Effect of T Stress on the Directional Stability of Cracks
S.Im, D.Sohn, J.H.Lim

Multiscale Finite-Element Modelling of Flexible Marine Risers
B.Edmans, G.Alfano, H.Bahai

Multi-Scale Modeling of DNA Molecules
J.S.Chen, H.Teng

Multiscale Modeling of Fatigue in Nodular Cast Iron
A.Holmström, F. Larsson, K. Runesson, S. Edlund

Multiscale Modeling of Granular Matter: Connecting the Continuum and Granular Scales
J.E.Andrade, X.Tu, C.F.Avila

Multiscale Modelling of Compact Bone Based on Homogenization of Double Porous Medium
E.Rohan, R.Cimrman, S.Naili, T.Lemaire

New Model for Describing Void Growth in Isotropic Plastic Porous Aggregates with Matrix Displaying Strength Differential Effects
O.Cazacu, J.B.Stewart

Nodal Positions Displacement Sensitivity of an Elementary Icosahedron Tensegrity Structure
E.W.Postek, R.Smallwood, R.Hose

Nonlinear Analysis for Load Carrying Capacity of Corroded Concrete Beam
Z.Q.Hu, Y.F.Fan

Nonlinear and Inelastic Isogeometric Analysis

Nonlinear Behavior of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Beam Considering Tension-Stiffening Effect
H.G.Kwak, C.K.Na

Non-Linear Dynamics of Clay Like Soil under Sea Wave Actions over Vertical Breakwaters
M.Martín, P.De la Fuente, C.Oteo

Non-Local Approach to Finite Elasto-Plastic Materials with Damaged Structures

Nonlocal Formulations for Lemaitre‘s Ductile Damage Model
F.X.Andrade, J.M.César de Sá, F.M.Andrade Pires, L.Malcher

Numerical Analysis for Strength Parameters of Squeeze Moulding with the Finite Element Method
A.Kadauw, J.Bast

Numerical Aspects in the Simulation of Robot based Incremental Sheet Metal Forming
C.Bertsch, M.Schwarze, S.Reese

Numerical Implementation of J2 Non-Associative Flow Plasticity Models
P.Pappa, S.A.Karamanos

Numerical Investigation on Tensile Properties of Asymmetrically Rolled AA-5182 Sheets
S.Tamimi, Z.Razavi, G.Vincze, R.Alves de Souza, J.J.Grácio

Numerical Methods for a Robust User-Independent Evaluation of Nakajima Tests for the FLC Determination
P.Hora, B.Eberle, W.Volk

Numerical Modeling of Fatigue Crack Growth in Single Crystals Based on Microdamage Theory
O.Aslan, S.Forest

Numerical Modeling of Representative Cells of Ti-5553 using Periodic Homogenization Technique
A.F.Gerday, M. Ben Bettaieb, L.Duchęne, F.Pascon, A.M.Habraken

Numerical Modeling of Stamping and Crashworthiness of Steel/Polymer/Steel Structures Using Solid-Shell Elements
S.Seddik, H.Naceur, J.M.Roelandt, J.N.Gacel, A. Reynaert

Numerical Modelling of Tension Influences in 3D Reinforced Concrete Structures
M.Galić, P.Marović, Ž.Nikolić, A.Harapin

Numerical Modelling of the Shear Strength between Concrete Layers
D.Dias-da-Costa, J.Alfaiate, E.Júlio, L.J.Sluys

Numerical Re-Examination of Simple Compression Test
A.Ichijoh, M.Akiyama

Numerical Simulation of Crack Formation During Pressing and Ejection in Axial Die Compaction Processes
J.A.Hernández, J.C.Cante, J. Oliver

Numerical Simulation of Damage and Fracture in Aluminum Alloys
S.Gerke, D.Albrecht, M.Brünig

Numerical Simulation of Physiological Pulsatile Blood Flow in Complete Bypass Models
J.Vimmr, A.Jonasova

Numerical Simulation of the Incremental Forming Process for Knee Implants
V.Oleksik, A.Pascu, C.Deac, R.Fleaca, M.Roman

On a Micro-Meso Two-Scale Damage Model for Concrete
V.P.Nguyen, M.Stroeven, L.J.Sluys

On a New Contact Domain Method in Contact Mechanics Problems

On Computational Procedures for Multiscale Analysis of Heterogeneous Solids: Variational Basis and FE Implementation
D.Peric, Souza Neto, D.D.Somer, W.G.Dettmer

On Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Computational Cardiology
S.Goktepe, M.Kotikanyadanam, E.Kuhl

On Incremental Minimization Principles for Non-Associative Pasticity Theory at Finite Strains

On Multiscale Methods for Fracture and Dislocation Computations
T.Belytschko, J.Oswald, J-H.Song, R.Gracie

On the Application of Continuum Damage Models to Sheet Metal Forming Simulations
F.Neukamm, M.Feucht, M.Bischoff

On the Computation of the Crack-Driving Force in Elastic-Plastic solids
J.Tillberg, F.Larsson, K.Runesson

On the Effectiveness of Numerical Algorithms for the Evaluation of the Shakedown and Limit Loads
G.Garcea, L.Leonetti

On the Moving Least Squares (MLS) Approximation Effectiveness in a T-Shaped Tube Hydroforming Design
G.Ingarao, R.Di Lorenzo

On the Numerical Implementation of Variational Constitutive Updates
N.Bleier, J.Mosler

On the Separated Representation of Thermo-Elastic Models
J.Férec, A.Montalva, F.Chinesta

On The Use of Local Max-Ent Shape Functions for the Simulation of Forming Processes
W.Quak, D.González, E.Cueto, A.H.van den Boogaard

Optimal Kinematics for Finite Elements with Smeared-Embedded Discontinuity
J-Y.Wu, M.Cervera

Optimal Transportation Methods for Fluid and Solid Flows

Optimization of Friction Stir Diffusion Bonding Process for the Heterogeneous Welding of Aluminium to Steel
M.Girard, B.Huneau, G.Racineux

Optimization of Tailored Products
M.Urban, M.Franzke, G.Hirt

Optimization of Tool Path Parameters in Incremental Sheet Forming Process
N.Lebaal, L.Ben-Ayed, M.Azaouzi, A.Delamézičre

Parallel Thermo-Visco-Elastoplastic Fe Code with Instability Detection Algorithm
R.S.Crouch, M.Honnor, T.Li

Parameter Identification Based on Deep Drawing Experiments
R.Trentin, P.A.Muńoz-Rojas, M.Vaz Jr.

Parameter Identification of Mesoscale Models from Macroscopic Tests using Bayesian Neural Networks
J.F.Unger, C.Könke

Phase Field Simulation of Microscopic Stress Distribution in Complex Microstructures

Physically Based Constitutive Model for TI-6AL-4V used in the Simulation of Manufacturing Chain
B.Babu, A.Lundbäck

Precision of Stress-Strain Curve Obtainable by Tension Test
G.Katsuki, M.Akiyama

Prestressing and other Model Complexities in Simulation of Patient-Specific Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
W.A.Wall, M.W.Gee

Proper Orthogonal Decomposition in Direct and Inverse Elastic-Plastic Analysis
G.Bolzon, V.Buljak, G.Maier

Remodelling of Anisotropic Soft Biological Tissues. A Computational Micro-Sphere Approach
A.Menzel, T.Waffenschmidt

Response Surface Method for the Optimization of Stamped Parts using a Quadrilateral 20 Degrees of Freedom Shell Element
F. Hammadi, M. Djermane, B.Amieur

Satisfaction of the Plastic Criterion in Finite Plasticity based on Energy Construction
G.Kluth, B.Després

Scalable FETI-DP Computations in 3D Heterogeneous Elasticity Problems
K.Schrader, C.Könke

Simulation of a Hybrid-Forming Process Considering Transformation Induced Plasticity at Large Strains
R.Mahnken, A.Schneidt

Simulation of Microstructure Evolution During the Shape Rolling by using Cellular Automata

Simulation of Porthole Die Extrusion Process
I.Alfaro, F.Gagliardi, E.Cueto, L.Filice, F.Chinesta

Space-Time Error Bounds for an Isothermal Model for Shape Memory Alloys
A.Mielke, L. Paoli, A.Petrov, U.Stefanelli

SPH-FEM Mortar Methods for Reinforced Concrete Slab:Application to Perforation Simulations
F. Caleyron, Y.Chuzel-Marmot, A.Combescure

Spurious Unloading when Up-Dating Elastoplastic Strains Iteratively
R.Crouch, T.Li, T.Foster, C.Heaney

Stabilized Finite Elements for Interface Contact with the Extended Finite Element Method
R.I.Borja, F.Liu

Statistical Models of Rough Surfaces for Finite Element 3D-Contact Analysis
R.Buczkowski, M.Kleiber

Study of the Vulcanization Kinetics of NBR with Bentonite
C.Albano, M.Hernandez, M.Ichazo, J. Gonzalez, W.De Sousa

The LATIN Multiscale Computational Strategy and its Engineering Applications

The Layout of Multi-Stage Forming Operations using the Finite Increment Technology (FIT)
V.Apanovitch, S.Huhn

The Multi-Scale FEM Model and Numerical Analysis of Artificial Heart Chamber Composed of Polyurethane and TiN Nanocoating
A.Milenin, M.Kopernik, M.Pietrzyk

The Role of Void Evolution on the Bendability of Steel Sheets
M.Ben Bettaieb, X.Lemoine, L.Duchęne, A.M.Habraken

Thermodynamical Assessments to Model Steel Concrete Interface Behaviour including Corrosion Effects
B.Richard, F.Ragueneau, C.Cremona, L.Adelaide, J.L.Tailhan

Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Response of an Argillaceous Rock: Experimental Results and Modelling
B.Garitte, J. Vaunat, A. Gens

Three-Dimensional Elasto-Plastic Calculations using Yield Surfaces with Corner Discontinuities
J.Clausen, L.Andersen, L.Damkilde

Three-Dimensional Modelling of Masonry Using the Partition of Unity Method
K.De Proft, K.Heyens, L.J.Sluys

Upper Bound Analysis of Equal Channel Angular Extrusion: Two-Parameter Rigid Blocks Approach and Numerical Verification
A.Perig, A.Laptev, P.Kakavas

Use of Numerical Method to Advance Understanding of the Burr Shape Formation Pattern in Punching Sheet Metal
T.Iizuka, N.Hatanaka, N.Takakura

Validation of a Variational Theory of Thermo-Mechanical Coupling in Finite Visco-plasticity
L.Stainier, M.Ortiz

Variational Approaches to Gradient-Type Solids in Electro-Magneto-Mechanics

Verification and Validation of Machining Simulations for Sufficient Accuracy
L-ELindgren, D.Wedberg, A.Svoboda

Virtual Mechanical Testing of Laminated Composites Based on a Damage Mesomodel
F.Daghia, P.Ladevčze, F.Bordeu

Visco Hyperelastic Consistitutive Model for Polymer Stretch Blow Moulding

Welding of Cold-Rolled Steel Tubes: Sensitivity of FEA Input Parameters
M.De Strycker, D. Debruyne, W.Van Paepegem, L.Schueremans

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