  CM3-2017 New Date
  Organizers & Committees
      Advisory Committee
      Academic Committee
      Industrial Committee
  Conference Format
  Important Dates
  Registration Fees
  November 22 Agenda NEW!
  November 23 Agenda NEW!


Number of visits: 47003

Industrial Committee (to be confirmed)

  • Tiina Ahola (Oy Attracs Ab, Finland)

  • Pål Bergan (EnergyNest AS, Norway)

  • Joaquin Brito (Plocan, Spain)

  • Jordi Caus (Centro Tecnico de SEAT SA, Spain)

  • Frans Cruijssen (ETC-Alice Platform, Netherlands)

  • Joaquim Gromicho (ORTEC)

  • Charles Hirsch (NUMECA International, Belgium)

  • Harri Eskelin (Suppilog Oy, Finland)

  • Timo Honkanen (Vaisala OYJ, Finland)

  • Michel Mallet (Dassault Aviation, France)

  • Javier Marcipar (Quantech, Spain)

  • Charles Mockett (CFD Sofware E+F GmbH, Germany)

  • Robert de Muynck (Netherlands Aerospace Centre)

  • Agustin Navarro (Lyncos Technologies SL, Spain)

  • Matteo Pozzi (Optit, Italy)

  • Luka Onesti (ESTECO SpA, Italy)

  • Daniel Redondo (Airbus, Spain & Geza Schrauf, Gemany)

  • Mikael Törmänen (Volvo Car Corporation, Sweden)

  • Vittorio di Vito (CIRA, Italy))

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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