We recommend that you consider booking a hotel close to a RER B station. The map below can help you plan your trip from the hotel to the conference location (do not forget to add 15 to 30 minutes to the times indicated, for the foot or bus commute)
 A selection of hotels is presented below, with the corresponding RER B station when applicable. No special rates have been negotiated, so feel free to choose any other hotel of your convenience.
10 minutes walk from the École Centrale Paris
Le saint Augustin (10mn) tel : +33 1 46 65 12 41
10 minutes ride (Bus number 379) from the École Centrale Paris
Le Chateaubriand, 82 € (double).
(*)Hôtel Cambrai (300m from station Gare du Nord) 65 € (double).
(*)Hôtel Jarry confort (800m from station Gare du Nord) 65 € (double).
(*)Hôtel Louvre Richelieu (900m from station Châtelet-les-Halles) 115 € (double).
(*)Hôtel Sainte – Marie (900m from station Châtelet-les-Halles) 63 € (double).
(*)Hôtel Mistral (800m from station Denfert Rochereau) 70 € (double).
(*)Hôtel Kyriad (800m from station Arcueil-Cachan) 79 € (double).
Le pont Royal (close to the station Bagneux) tel +33 1 46 65 12 41.
(*)Hôtel Alixia (in front of the station Bourg-la-Reine) 69 € (double).
(*) You can book these hotels via http://www.booking.com