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Number of visits: 364921

27/4/2015    16:30 - 18:50
1.32 MS: Structural Analysis and Vibrations II
Minisymposia organized by Diana V. Bambill and Liz Nallim
Room: Buen Ayre B
Chair: Diana V. Bambill

Direct assessment of interlaminar stresses in composite multilayered plates using a layer-wise mixed finite element model
R. S. Carnicer *, B. A. Desía and R. A. Schwarz

Mechanical simulation of the Concrack Benchmark RG8 test with a filament beam model since early ages
M. D. Crespo*, D. Ferreira, J. Bairán and A. Marí

Free vibrations of an axially functionally graded beam with a concentrated mass
G. J. Gilardi, D. V. Bambill and C. A. Rossit*

Towards a new joint element which incorporates bolt looseness and nonlinear contact behaviour
F. del Solar Dorrego* and S. D‘hers

On the nonlinear dynamics of network structures under stochastic excitation
W. de Cerqueira Leite* and R. M. L. R. F. Brasil

Numerical model for transmission of vibration from distant source
J. P. Ascheri* and O. Möller

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
PANACM2015_sec@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 94 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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