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Number of visits: 182721

Scientific Committee

  • Ferdinando Auricchio, Italy
  • Chandrajit Bajaj, United States
  • Yuri Bazilevs, United States
  • Gernot Beer, Austria
  • David Benson, United States
  • Michel Bercovier, Israel
  • Manfred Bischoff, Germany
  • Kai-Uwe Bletzinger, Germany
  • Michael J. Borden, United States
  • Annalisa Buffa, Switzerland
  • Francesco Calabró, Italy
  • Victor Calo, United States
  • Fehmi Cirak, United Kingdom
  • Elaine Cohen, United States
  • Lourenco Da Veiga Beirão, Italy
  • Rene de Borst, United Kingdom
  • Laura de Lorenzis, Germany
  • Luca Dedé, Italy
  • Tor Dokken, Norway
  • Gershon Elber, Israel
  • Stefanie Elgeti, Germany
  • Thomas Elguedj, France
  • John Evans, United States
  • John T. Foster, United States
  • Carlotta Giannelli, Italy
  • Hector Gomez, USA
  • Thomas J.R. Hughes, United States
  • Ming-Chen Hsu, United States
  • Bert Jüttler Austria
  • David Kamensky, United States
  • Markus Kästner, Germany
  • Josef Kiendl, Norway
  • Stefan Kollmannsberger, Germany
  • Artem Korobenko, Canada
  • Trond Kvamsdal, Norway
  • Ulrich Langer, Austria
  • Mats Larson, Sweden
  • Xin Li, China
  • Carlo Lovadina, Italy
  • Tom Lyche, Norway
  • Carla Manni, Italy
  • Benjamin Marussig, Austria
  • Kjell Mathisen, Norway
  • Simone Morganti, Italy
  • Bernard Mourrain, France
  • Marian Neamtu, United States
  • Luca Pavarino, Italy
  • Jorg Peters, United States
  • Xiaoping Qian, United States
  • Timon Rabczuk, Germany
  • Alessandro Reali, Italy
  • Richard Riesenfeld, Norway
  • Ernst Rank, Germany
  • Martin Ruess, United Kingdom
  • Roger Sauer, Germany
  • Giancarlo Sangalli, Italy
  • Dominik Schillinger, United States
  • Michael Scott, United States
  • Thomas Sederberg, United States
  • Bernd Simeon, Germany
  • Hendrik Speleers, Italy
  • Thomas Takacs, Austria
  • Kenji Takizawa, Japan
  • Robert L. Taylor, United States
  • Ilker Temizer, Turkey
  • Tayfun Tezduyar, United States
  • Harald van Brummelen,The Netherlands
  • Clemens Verhoosel, The Netherlands
  • Barbara Wohlmuth, Germany
  • Peter Wriggers, Germany
  • Roland Wüchner, Germany
  • Sung-Kie Youn, South Korea
  • Yue Yu, France
  • Yongjie Jessica Zhang, United States
  • Walter Zulehner, Austria

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