  CM3-2017 New Date
  Organizers & Committees
      Advisory Committee
      Academic Committee
      Industrial Committee
  Conference Format
  Important Dates
  Registration Fees
  November 22 Agenda NEW!
  November 23 Agenda NEW!


Number of visits: 47012

Academic Committee (to be confirmed)

  • El-Houssaine Aghezzaf (UGent, Belgium)

  • Michel Bierlaire (EPFL, Switzerland)

  • Blas Galvan (ULPGC, Spain)

  • Mikael Collan (LUT, Finland)

  • Josef Eberhardsteiner (TUWIEN, Austria)

  • Bruce Golden (University of Maryland, USA)

  • Geir Hasle (SINTEF, Norway)

  • Werner Heid (PTV Group, Germany)

  • Chris Lacor (VUB, Belgium)

  • Alexander Maslov (Keldysh Institute, Russia)

  • Roberto Montemanni (IDSIA, Switzerland)

  • Rafael Montenegro (SIANI, Spain)

  • Marko Mäkelä (University of Turku)

  • Olivier Pironneau (UPMC, France)

  • Panagiotis Repoussis (SIT, USA)

  • Mikael Rönnqvist (Laval University, Canada)

  • Ahti Salo (Aalto University, Finland)

  • Christos D. Tarantilis (AUEB, Greece)

  • Mariano Vasquez (BSC, Spain)

  • Olli Ventä (VTT, Finland)

  • Viktor Zakharov (SPBU, Russia)

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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