  Plenary Lectures
  Invited Minisymposia
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      All Sessions and Papers
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Number of visits: 220151

Sunday, June 5th

18:00 - 20:00
Pre-registration and Welcome Cocktail

Monday, June 6th

09:15 - 09:45
Opening Ceremony
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed
09:45 - 10:30
Plenary Lecture I
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed

Computational Modeling of Ductile Failure
A. Needleman

10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 13:00
Ductile Fracture I
Minisymposium organized by Pierre-Olivier Bouchard, José César de Sá, Alan Needleman and Thomas Pardoen
Room: 1
Chair: Alan Needleman

Ductile Damage Characterization Using Synchrotron X-ray Tomography
C. Landron, E. Maire, J. Adrien and O. Bouaziz

Influence of the Stress Triaxiality and Lode Parameter on Failure of Elasto-Plastic Porous Materials
K. Danas and P. Ponte Castañeda

Numerical Modelling of Ductile Damage Voids Growth Mechanism using a Level-Set Technique and Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation
E. Roux, M. Bernacki and P-O. Bouchard

Extension of Void Growth and Coalescence Models Including Strain Hardening and Thermo­visco­plastic Effects
L. Lecarme, C. Tekoglu, J. Kinding Minamou and T. Pardoen

Mechanics Growth and Coalescence of Pre-existing Voids in a Ductile Matrix
T. Jodlowski, A. Rossoll and J.H. Giovanola

Numerical Modeling of Material Failure in Plain and Reinforced Concrete I
Minisymposium organized by Alfredo E. Huespe and Xavier Oliver
Room: 2
Chair: Massimo Cuomo

Keynote Lecture: Current and Future Issues in Sequentially Linear Analysis of Brittle Structural Behaviour
J.G. Rots and M.A.N. Hendriks

Fracturing Behavior of Post-tensioned Joints of Segmental Concrete Structures Under Shear Stress
M. Alcalde, H. Cifuentes and F. Medina

Multiscale Failure Analysis of Fiber Reinforced Concrete based on Continuum and Discrete Models
G. Etse, A. Caggiano and S. Vrech

Cover Cracking of Reinforced Concret Due to Re-Bar Corrosion
J.C. Gálvez, S. Guzmán and J.M. Sancho

Advances in Cohesive-element Modeling of Material Failure I
Minisymposium organized by Jean-François Molinari, Raul Radovitzky and Marion Chambart
Room: 3
Chair: Jean-François Molinari

Keynote Lecture: Multiscale Framework for 3D Cohesive Modelling of Failure in Heterogeneous Adhesives and Coatings
P. H. Geubelle and A. Aragón

A Self-adaptive Cohesive Zone Model for Bi-material Interface Cracks in Microelectronic Packages
M. Samimi, J.A.W. van Dommelen and M.G.D. Geers

Obscuration Zones and Secondary Waves Effects. A Numerical Study of Their Influence with the Cohesive Elements Method
M. Chambart, S. Levy and J.-F Molinari

Refined Cohesive Elements with Drilling Degrees of Freedom for the Analysis of Adhesive Structural Joints
N. Valoroso

A New Linear Initially Rigid Cohesive Element Approach: Formulation and Comparison of a Temporal Continuous and Temporal Discontinuous Variant
S. Knell, M. Sauer and K. Thoma

Regularized Failure Models I
Minisymposium organized by Harm Askes, Antonio Rodríguez-Ferran, Milan Jirásek and Nicolas Moës
Room: 4
Chair: Nicolas Moës

Keynote Lecture: Problems of Boundary Conditions and Nonuniqueness in Nonlocal or Cohesive Models for Material Damage and Quasibrittle Fracture
Z.P. Bažant, J-L. Le, C.G. Hoover and Q. Yu

The Bounded Rate Constitutive Model Concept for Damage, Failure and Erosion Modelling and Simulation in Dynamics
O. Allix

Dealing with Damage Localization in Composite Laminates using a Delay-damage Model in Quasi-static Conditions
C. Le Mauff, P. Ladevèze and F. Daghia

Numerical Algorithm to Study the Stability of Damage Problems
J. Beaurain, J-J. Marigo and K. Kazymyrenko

Boundary Conditions for the Displacement-based Damage Model
E. Tamayo-Mas and A.  Rodríguez-Ferran

Dynamic Fracture I
Minisymposium organized by Alain Combescure, Francisco Armero and Robert B. Haber
Room: 5
Chair: Robert B. Haber
CoChair: Francisco Armero

Ductile/Fragile Transition Simulation of Dynamic Crack Propagation
D. Haboussa, T. Elguedj and A. Combescure

Multi-stage Viscoplasticity/damage Modelling and Simulation for Ductile Metals
P. Longère, A-G. Geffroy, B. Leblé and A. Dragon

A Finite Element Approach to Blade Cutting of Thin Sheets
A. Frangi, M. Pagani and U. Perego

A Multi-level Strong Discontinuity Approach to Model Crack Branching
A. Raina and C. Linder

Continuum Phase Field Models of Dynamic Fracture: Variational Principles and Robust Multi-Field FE Implementation
M. Hofacker and C. Miehe

Stochastic Models of Material Failure
Minisymposium organized by Miguel A. Gutiérrez and Lori Graham-Brady
Room: 6
Chair: Miguel A. Gutiérrez

Exact Upper Bounds on Effective Elastic Moduli of Randomly Cracked Solids Based on Stochastic Variational Principles
X.F. Xu and G. Stefanou

Numerical Probabilistic Simulation of Cracking Processes in RC Tie-beams Subjected to Tension and Reinforced by Flat Steel Rebars
T.S. Phan, P. Rossi and J-L. Tailhan

Estimation of Fiber Stochastic Properties Influence on Ceramic Composite Fracture Toughness
A.G. Shpenev

Identification of Random Stress Fields from the Simulation of Polycrystalline Aggregates
X.H. Dang, B. Sudret, M. Berveiller and A. Zeghadi

Partition of Unity Enhanced Spectral Stochastic Finite Elements in Non-linear Solid Mechanics
M.A. Gutiérrez and C.V. Verhoosel

13:00 - 14:00

14:00 - 16:00
Ductile Fracture II
Minisymposium organized by Pierre-Olivier Bouchard, José César de Sá, Alan Needleman and Thomas Pardoen
Room: 1
Chair: Thomas Pardoen

Keynote Lecture: Anisotropy, Localization and Non-Proportional Loading Effects in Ductile Fracture
S.M. Keralavarma, D. Surovik and A.A. Benzerga

Damage Nucleation and Growth in Dual-phase Materials
S.K. Yerra, G. Martin, M. Véron, Y. Bréchet, R. Fourmentin, J.D. Mithieux, L. Delannay and T. Pardoen

Dilatational Viscoplasticity of Polycrystalline Solids with Intergranular Cavities
M.I. Idiart, R.A. Lebensohn and P. Ponte Castañeda

A New Micromechanical Constitutive Model for the Prediction of the Loading History Effect on Ductile Fracture
L. Malcher, F.M. Andrade Pires and J.M.A. César de Sá

A Gurson-Type Yield Surface for Porous Ductile Materials Containing Arbitrary Ellipsoidal Voids
J.B. Leblond and K. Madou

Numerical Modeling of Material Failure in Plain and Reinforced Concrete II
Minisymposium organized by Alfredo E. Huespe and Xavier Oliver
Room: 2
Chair: Guillermo J. Etse

Fully-developed FPZ Size as a Material Constant
L. Saucedo, R.C. Yu and G. Ruiz

A Continuum Damage Model to Predict Tension Fracture and Nonlinear Compressive Behavior of Quasi-brittle Materials
O.L. Manzoli and E.A. Rodrigues

Modeling Crack in Concrete and Propagation Criterion
S. Shahbazpanahi, A. Abang, N. Farah, S. Raizal, A. Kamgar and P. Anwar

A Cohesive Model for Simulating the Bond Between Concrete and Prestressed Steel Considering the Concrete Splitting
J.C. Gálvez, J.M. Benítez, M.J. Casati, B.S. Tork and D.A. Cendón

Modelling of Brittle Material Fracture with Unilateral Frictional Contact at Contacting Interfaces
L. Snozzi and J-F. Molinari

Advances in Cohesive-element Modeling of Material Failure II
Minisymposium organized by Jean-François Molinari, Raul Radovitzky and Marion Chambart
Room: 3
Chair: Marion Chambart

A Shell Fracture Framework Based on a Full Discontinuous Galerkin Formulation Combined With an Extrinsic Cohesive Law
G. Becker and L. Noels

Fragments Shapes and Orientations in 3D Parallel Simulations of Explosively Loaded Structures
S. Levy, R.  Radovitzky and J-F. Molinari

Crack Propagation in Disordered Materials as an Elastic Line Driven in a Random Medium
L. Ponson

Macro and Meso Scale Models to Predict Concrete Failure and Size Effect
L.B. Rojas-Solano, P. Grassl, D. Grégoire and G. Pijaudier-Cabot

Modelling Damage, Friction and Dilatancy on Structural Interfaces using Cohesive-Zone Models
G. Alfano and R. Serpieri

Regularized Failure Models II
Minisymposium organized by Harm Askes, Antonio Rodríguez-Ferran, Milan Jirásek and Nicolas Moës
Room: 4
Chair: Milan Jirásek

Gradient Damage Laws: Modelling and Computational Aspects
E. Lorentz, K. Kazymyrenko and S. Cuvilliez

Modelling Localisation in Three Dimensions Using Gradient Elastoplasticity
S.A. Papanicolopulos and A. Zervos

A FE Approach Coupling Gradient Damage Model and Cohesive Zone Model Within the Framework of Quasi-brittle Failure
S. Cuvilliez, F. Feyel, E. Lorentz and S. Michel-Ponnelle

Regularized Damage-plastic Models: Integral vs. Gradient Formulations
M. Jirásek and M. Horák

Dynamic Fracture II
Minisymposium organized by Alain Combescure, Francisco Armero and Robert B. Haber
Room: 5
Chair: Alain Combescure
CoChair: Francisco Armero

Mesoscale Modelling of Failure in Partially Sintered Metals: Numerical Techniques and Analysis of Fragmentation Patterns
N. Durr, M. Sauer and S. Hiermaier

Crack Propagation in Rails Based on the Concept of Material Forces
J. Brouzoulis and M. Ekh

Modeling Rubber Failure by using Energy Limiters
K.Y. Volokh

Discrete Element Simulation of Crack Propagation in a Vitreous Dense Biopolymer and Application to the Crushing of a Food Biopolymer Foam
L. Hedjazi, C.L. Martin, S. Guessasma, G. Della Valle and R. Dendievel

The Influence of Discontinuity of Fracture-mechanics Parameters on the Failure Manner of Multi-material Structures
J. Klusák, Z. Knésl and T. Profant

Novel Discretization Concepts in Fracture and Failure
Minisymposium organized by René de Borst
Room: 6
Chair: René de Borst

Phase-field Modeling of Cohesive Fracture
C.V. Verhoosel and R. de Borst

Isogeometric Analysis and Phase-field Descriptions of Crack Propagation
M.J. Borden, T.J. Hughes, C.M. Landis, M.A. Scott and C.V. Verhoosel

A Co-Rotational Formulation for Failure of 3D Solids
L. Kaczmarczyk, T. Koziara and C.J. Pearce

The Cohesive Band Method: Bridging the Gap between Smeared and Discrete Fracture Models
J.J.C. Remmers, C.V. Verhoosel and R. de Borst

Simulation of Propagating Cracks in Multiphase Materials Using the Extended Finite Element Method
D. Leonhart and G. Meschke

16:00 - 16:30

16:30 - 18:30
Ductile Fracture III
Minisymposium organized by Pierre-Olivier Bouchard, José César de Sá, Alan Needleman and Thomas Pardoen
Room: 1
Chair: Pierre-Olivier Bouchard

Assessment of Non-local Formulations for the Modelling of Ductile Materials
F.X. Andrade, J.M.A. César de Sá and F.M. Andrade Pires

Crack Initiation and Propagation in Nonlocal Ductile Media
S. Feld-Payet, J. Besson, F. Feyel and V. Chiaruttini

Towards Eliminating Element Size Dependence in Ductile Tearing
T.R. Shelton and G.W. Wellman

Numerical Simulations of Damage and Fracture in Dynamic Tension Tests
S. Gerke and M. Brünig

Numerical Simulation of Copper Under Large Strain High Strain Rate and Pressure
N. Bonora, G. Iannitti and A. Ruggiero

Meshfree and Particle Methods for Material Failure
Minisymposium organized by Ted Belytschko and Timon Rabczuk
Room: 2
Chair: Timon Rabczuk

SPH Shell for Dynamic Fracture and Fragmentation
F. Caleyron, V. Faucher, S. Potapov and A. Combescure

Novel Adaptive Meshfree Integration Techniques in Meshless Methods
D. Racz and T. Quoc Bui

Immersed Particle Method for Fluid Structure Interaction
T. Rabczuk

Accurate Evaluation of Stress Intensity Factors Using Error Estimation in Quantities of Interest Based on Equilibrated Recovery
O.A. González-Estrada, J.J. Ródenas, S. Bordas, E. Nadal, P. Kerfriden and M. Duflot

An Isogeometric Boundary Element Method for Accurate Fracture Analysis
R. Simpson, J. Trevelyan, S. Bordas and P.  Kerfriden

Advances in Cohesive-element Modeling of Material Failure III
Minisymposium organized by Jean-François Molinari, Raul Radovitzky and Marion Chambart
Room: 3
Chair: Raul Radovitzky

Keynote Lecture: An Optimization Based Algorithm for Time Continuous Cohesive Modeling of Fracture
K.D. Papoulia

A Thermodynamically Based Cohesive-Zone Model for the Analysis of Rate-Dependent Crack Growth
M. Musto and G. Alfano

Ab-Initio and Molecular Dynamics Calculations of Hydrogen Embrittlement in High Strength Steels
J. Sanchez, P.  de Andres, J. Fullea and C. Andrade

Cohesive Zone Model Formulation to Accurately Predict Mixed-mode Delamination Growth
A. Turon, E.V. González, P. Maimí, P. Camanho and J. Costa

Material Size Effects on the Deformation and Fracture Behaviours of Sheet Metal Microforming
M.W. Fu and W.L. Chan

Regularized Failure Models III
Minisymposium organized by Harm Askes, Antonio Rodríguez-Ferran, Milan Jirásek and Nicolas Moës
Room: 4
Chair: Antonio Rodríguez-Ferran

A Robust Computational Homogenization Approach to the Modelling of Inelastic Heterogeneous Material Layers
C.B. Hirschberger and J. Korelc

The Variational Approach to Fracture: Application to Secondary Thermal Cracks in Enhanced Geothermal Systems
B. A. Bourdin, M. Knepley and C. Maurini

A Meso-scale Approach for Modelling the Size Effect on the Fracture Process Zone of Concrete
P. Grassl, D. Gregoire, L.B. Rojas-Solano and G. Pijaudier-Cabot

The Thick Level Set Approach to Model Damage Growth and Transition to Fracture: Application to Quasi-brittle Failure
N. Moës, C. Stolz, P-E. Bernard and N. Chevaugeon

Present and Future of Crack Tracking Algorithms I
Minisymposium organized by Anna Pandolfi and Michael Ortiz
Room: 5
Chair: Maurizio Angelillo

A One-dimensional FEM Model for Inelastic Deformation and Fracture Based on a Diffuse Cohesive Energy
G. Del Piero, G. Lancioni and R. March

Coupled Phase-field Modeling of Fracture and Microstructure Evolution in Ferroelectric Materials
A. Abdollahi and I. Arias

Physically-Based Discrete Crack Path Prediction in Elastomeric Material
C. Netzker and M. Kaliske

Cohesive Zone Models in Scale Transitions
Y. Monerie

A Level Set Update Scheme for 3D X-FEM Mixed Mode High Kink Angles Crack Propagation Modelling
D. Colombo and P. Massin

Modeling Fracture of Concrete at High Loading Rates
Minisymposium organized by Joško Ožbolt
Room: 6
Chair: Joško Ožbolt

A Comparative Study of Rate Dependent Damage Models for Concrte in Dynamics
P.R. Mandapalli, L.J. Sluys and J. Weerheijm

Modeling Damage of Reinforced Concrete under Contact Detonations
W. Riedel and C. Roller

Multi-scale Simulation and Fracture Modelling of Reinforced Concrete Slabs Subjected to Blast Loading
Z.M. Jaini and Y.T. Feng

Modelling of Concrete Behaviour under High Strain Rates with a Damaged Viscoelastic Approach.
U. Häussler-Combe, T. Kühn and M. Kitzig

Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Fracture of Concrete – Failure Mode & Velocity of Crack Propagation
J. Ožbolt, A. Sharma and H.W. Reinhardt

Influence of the Meso-structure in Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Tensile Fracture of Concrete
F. Gatuingt, L. Snozzi and J-F. Molinari

Tuesday, June 7th

09:00 - 09:45
Plenary Lecture II
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed

Finite Elements with Embedded Discontinuities for Computational Fracture
F. Armero

09:45 - 10:30
Plenary Lecture III
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed

Adaptive Spacetime Models for Dynamic Fracture
R.B. Haber, R.M. Abedi and O. Allix

10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 13:00
Ductile Fracture IV
Minisymposium organized by Pierre-Olivier Bouchard, José César de Sá, Alan Needleman and Thomas Pardoen
Room: 1
Chair: José César de Sá

Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation for Ductile Damage and Fracture Modelling
P-O. Bouchard, E. Roux, R. El Khaoulani, G. Lebret and M. Bernacki

Energetically Consistent Formulation for Transition from Damage to Fracture
M.R.R. Seabra and J.M.A. César de Sá

Constrained ALE-Based Discrete Fracture in Shells with Quasi-Brittle and Ductile Materials
P. Areias, N. Van Goethem and E.B. Pires

Non-conventional Numerical Approach for Multisite Damage Problems
H.S. Argôlo and S.P. Proença

A Temperature-Dependent Damage Model for Ductile Crack Initiation and Propagation with Finite Strains
N. Van Goethem, P. Areias and E.B. Pires

Numerical Modeling of Material Failure in Plain and Reinforced Concrete III
Minisymposium organized by Alfredo E. Huespe and Xavier Oliver
Room: 2
Chair: Jan Rots

Keynote Lecture: An Enriched Finite Element that Accounts for Crack opening and Rebar Slip in Reinforced Concrete Members
L. Contrafatto, M. Cuomo and F. Fazio

Numerical Modeling for Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete: Flexural Behavior
A. Pros, P. Díez and C.  Molins

A Nonlinear Procedure for the Analysis of SFRC Members under in-Plane Stresses
P. Bernardi, R. Cerioni and E. Michelini

Analyzing Shear Critical RC Beams with Sequentially Linear Analysis Including a Spatial and Orientation Dependent Crack Band Model
A.T. Slobbe, M.A.N. Hendriks and J.G. Rots

Multiscale Modeling of Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites with Microstructure
J. Oliver, A.E. Huespe and D.F. Mora

Advances in Cohesive-element Modeling of Material Failure IV
Minisymposium organized by Jean-François Molinari, Raul Radovitzky and Marion Chambart
Room: 3
Chair: Marion Chambart

Failure of Paratransit Bus Structures under Dynamic Loading
B. Gepner, C. Rawl, J.W. Wekezer and L. Kwasniewski

Seismic Failure Simulations of Slender Historical Masonry Structures
A. Preciado Quiroz, H. Budelmann, S.T. Sperbeck and G. Bartoli

Simulation of Dam Stability using Hydro-mechanical Coupling Model, based on Cohesive Zone Behaviour Law with Friction
K. Kazymyrenko, J. Laverne and E. Robbe

On the Potential of Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) in Industrial Applications Relevant to Fracture Mechanics
V. Tarigopula and G. Skeie

Long Fibre Composite Modelling Using Cohesive Approach
V.  Kozák and Z. Chlup

Applications of a Rate-Independent Delamination Model Based on the Global Minimization of the Sum of the Potential and Dissipated Energies
C.G. Panagiotopoulos, V. Mantič and T. Roubiček

Multiscale Modeling of Composites I
Minisymposium organized by Javier Llorca, Carlos D. González and Olivier Allix
Room: 4
Chair: Javier Llorca

Keynote Lecture: Finite Element Simulation of Open Hole Tension Fatigue Tests
S.R. Hallett, O.J. Nixon-Pearson, P.W. Harper, L.F. Kawashita, P.J. Whithers and J.  Rouse

Damage characterization in cross-ply composite laminates with the thick levelset approach
T. Gorris, P-E. Bernard and L. Stainier

Numerical Analysis of the Progressive Failure of Composite Materials and Structures Using Plastic-damage Model
J.F. Chen, E.V. Morozov and K. Shankar

Matrix Cracking and Crack Deflection in Unidirectional Fiber Reinforced Composite Laminates
S. Sádaba, C. González and J.  LLorca

Advances in the Multiscale Simulation of Delamination and Delamination Buckling Interaction
O. Allix, K. Saavedra and P. Gosselet

Present and Future of Crack Tracking Algorithms II
Minisymposium organized by Anna Pandolfi and Michael Ortiz
Room: 5
Chair: Kerstin Weinberg

Keynote Lecture: A Variational Model for Quasistatic Crack Growth in Finite Elasticity with Noninterpenetration
G. Dal Maso and G. Lazzaroni

Rate-dependent and Rate-independent Crack Propagation
M. Negri

Joys and Sorrows of Finite Elements with Strong Discontinuities
M. Angelillo, E. Babilio and A.  Fortunato

Eigendeformation Based Approaches to Griffith Fracture
M. Ortiz and A. Pandolfi

General Aspects of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures
Minisymposium organized by Milan Jirásek
Room: 6
Chair: Milan Jirásek

Determination of the Length of a Short Crack at a V-Notch from a Full Field Measurement
D. Leguillon

Jx1 Integral and t33-Stress to Study Constraint Effects in Corner Cracks
V.F. González-Albuixech, E. Giner, J. Fernández-Saez and A. Fernández-Canteli

An Interaction of a Curvilinear Crack with an Interface
M.A. Grekov

Simulation of Operation of Disc Cutting Tool on Stratified Rocks
J. Jonak and J. Podgórski

Computational Micromechanics Model for Mechanical Characterization of Protein Materials
J-H. Kwak, K-C. Yoon, K. Eom and S. Na

Direct Simulation of Fiber Network Deformation and Failure
A. Kulachenko and T. Uesaka

13:00 - 14:00

14:00 - 16:00
Ductile Fracture V
Minisymposium organized by Pierre-Olivier Bouchard, José César de Sá, Alan Needleman and Thomas Pardoen
Room: 1
Chair: Amine Benzerga

Modeling the Effects of Stress State on Plasticity and Ductile Fracture
X. Gao

Predicting Mechanical Behavior of Half-blanked Components.
J.M. Gachet, G. Delattre and P-O. Bouchard

Three-dimensional Finite Element Modelling of Ductile Damage and Crack Growth
R.H. Peerlings, H.R. Javani and M.G.D. Geers

Three-Dimensional, Self-Similar Scaling for Steady Crack Growth in Ductile Metals
R.H. Dodds Jr. and J.C. Sobotka

Micromechanical Modelling of Ductile Fracture in Inhomogeneous Welded Joints
B. Medjo, M. Rakin, N. Gubeljak, J. Predan and A. Sedmak

Numerical Modeling of Material Failure in Plain and Reinforced Concrete IV
Minisymposium organized by Alfredo E. Huespe and Xavier Oliver
Room: 2
Chair: Jaime C. Galvez

An Experimental and Numerical Approach for the Measurement of the Fracture Properties of Ceramic Brick
A. Aranguren, B. Sanz, J.M. Sancho and J. Planas

Practical Applications of a Combined Finite/discrete Element Method to Estimate Crack Openings
C. Oliver, B. Richard, A. Delaplace and F. Ragueneau

Coupled Hydro-mechanical Modelling of Fault Reactivation using Finite Elements with Embedded Discontinuities in Displacement and Pressure Fields
L.B.S. Beserra, O.L. Manzoli and L.J.N. Guimarães

An Efficient Coupled Fluid/structure Finite Element Scheme to Simulate Fracture of Reinforced Concrete Structures under High Strain-rate Blast and Impact Loads
O.A. Soto, J.D. Baum and R. Löhner

Strong Discontinuities, Mixed Finite Element Formulations and Localized Strain Injection, in Fracture Modeling of Quasi-brittle Materials
J. Oliver, I.F. Dias and A.E. Huespe

Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Failure Processes I
Minisymposium organized by Jacob Fish, Marc G.D. Geers and Ron H.J. Peerlings
Room: 3
Chair: Jacob Fish

Keynote Lecture: Error Controlled Adaptive Multiscale XFEM Computation of Cracks
S. Loehnert, C. Hoppe and P. Wriggers

Criterion for Predicting Direction of the Crack in Composites with Random Structure
J. Podgórski

Fractal Characteristics of Crack Propagation in Porous Ceramics under Compressive Loading Modelled with Movable Cellular Automata
D. Aniszewska and M. Rybaczuk

An Adaptive Multiscale Algorithm for Cohesive Zone Model and Arbitrary Crack Propagation
V. Chiaruttini and F. Feyel

Multiscale Modeling of Composites II
Minisymposium organized by Javier Llorca, Carlos D. González and Olivier Allix
Room: 4
Chair: Olivier Allix

Mechanical Testing and Simulation of 3D Orthogonal Interlocked Fabric Composites
R. Muñoz, R. Seltzer, J. Frontán, C. González and J. Llorca

Micromechanical Modelling of Damage in Composite Materials in Three-dimensions
D. O‘Dwyer, N.P. O‘Dowd and C.T. McCarthy

The Application of the Energy Dissipation Arc-length Solver for the Simulation of Damage in Composite Materials
S. Hosseini, J.J.C. Remmers and R. de Borst

Toward an Enriched Hybrid Model for Laminates: Compressive Behavior and Failure
N. Feld, O. Allix, E. Baranger and J.-M Guimard

Computational Failure Mechanics in Multiphysics Problems I
Minisymposium organized by Paul Steinmann and Julia Mergheim
Room: 5
Chair: Michael Kaliske

Keynote Lecture: New Finite Elements with Embedded Strong Discontinuities to Model Failure in Electromechanical Coupled Solids
C. Linder

Fracture Modelling of Ferroelectrics via Phase Field Continuum and Damage Variable
B.X. Xu, D. Gross and R. Mueller

Configurational Forces at Three-dimensional Cracks in Ferroelectric Polycrystals
M. Kuna and Q. Li

Numerical Investigation of the Mechanical Behavior of Sound Absorbing Ceramics
R. Malekmohammadi, K. Kutz, M. Mehrafza, F. Jablonski and R. Kienzler

16:00 - 16:30

16:30 - 18:30
Enriched Finite Element Formulations to Capture Cracks, Material Interfaces and Multiscale Phenomena I
Minisymposium organized by Jorge Alfaiate and Bert Sluys
Room: 1
Chair: Jorge Alfaiate

A Level Set Model for Delamination – Modeling Crack Growth without Cohesive Zone or Stress Singularity
F.P. van der Meer, N.  Moës and L.J. Sluys

On the Use of Embedded Discontinuity Elements for the Simulation of Mixed-mode Fracture of Brickwork Masonry
E. Reyes, J.C. Gálvez, D.A. Cendón and M.J. Casati

Modelling Interfaces by the Strong Discontinuity Approach: New Theoretical and Computational Developments
L. Contrafatto, M. Cuomo and G.T. Di Venti

A Comparison of Variational Formulations of Finite Elements with Embedded Discontinuities
G. Juárez and A.G. Ayala

Mesh Objective Modelling of Cracks using Continuous Linear Strain and Displacement Interpolations
M. Cervera, M. Chiumenti and R. Codina

Fracture and Shrinkage Induced Cracking in Multiphase Materials I
Minisymposium organized by Guenter Hofstetter, Anthony Jefferson, Guenther Meschke and Bernhard A. Schrefler
Room: 2
Chair: Guenther Meschke
CoChair: Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot

Keynote Lecture: On Multi-scale Approaches to Fluid Flow in Fracturing Porous Media
R. de Borst, F. Irzal, J.J. Remmers, J. Réthoré and C.V. Verhoosel

Strength Modeling of Elasto-Brittle Materials: From Cohesive Microcracks Via Cracking Risk Under Partial Saturation to Predicting the Compositiondependent Strength Evolution of Hydrating Cementitious Materials
B. Pichler, L. Dormieux and C. Hellmich

Coupling between Mechanical and Transfer Properties for Concrete Structures
F. Dufour, G. Pijaudier-Cabot and M. Choinska

Effective Diffusivity of Micro-cracked Cementitious Materials with Hierarchical Pore Structure Covering Multiple Scales
J.J. Timothy and G. Meschke

Numerical Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures Exposed to Chloride Induced Corrosion
J. Ožbolt, G. Balabanić and M. Kušter

A Homogenization-based Model for Damage in Multiphase Porous Media.
F. Gemelli, D. Caillerie, C. Dascalu and C. Callari

Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Failure Processes II
Minisymposium organized by Jacob Fish, Marc G.D. Geers and Ron H.J. Peerlings
Room: 3
Chair: Marc G.D. Geers

A Computational Homogenization-localization Approach for Multi-scale Modelling of Damage and Failure
V.G. Kouznetsova, E.W. Coenen and M.G. Geers

A Coupled Two-scale Computational Scheme for Periodic Quasi-brittle Thin Planar Shell Failure
B.C. Mercatoris and T.J. Massart

A Quasi-discrete Multi-scale Approach for Quasi-brittle Failure
P.Z. Berke, T.J. Massart, R.H.J. Peerlings and M.G.D. Geers

Computational Continua
J. Fish, V. Filonova and Z. Yuan

Numerical Treatment of Coupled Multi-scale Models for Fracture Problems
F.J. Pinho Reis and F.M. Andrade Pires

Multiscale Modeling of Composites III
Minisymposium organized by Javier Llorca, Carlos D. González and Olivier Allix
Room: 4
Chair: Carlos D. González

Keynote Lecture: Constitutive Ply Modeling of Plasticity, Brittle Damage, and Softening Applied to Failure Analyses of Laminated Composite Structures
T. Flatscher, J. Gager and H.E. Pettermann

A Non-local Approach to Simulation of Damage in Laminated Composites
A. Forghani, N. Zobeiry, R. Vaziri and A.  Poursartip

A Gradient-based Coupling Method between Cauchy Continuum Model and Bond-Based Peridynamics
Y. Azdoud and G. Lubineau

Multi-scale Modelling of Fibre Enforced Composite with Non-local Damage Variable
L. Wu, L. Noels, L. Adam and I. Doghri

Crack Propagation and Delamination Failure Modelling Implemented in a Commercial Finite Element Program
P. Nordlund

Computational Failure Mechanics in Multiphysics Problems II
Minisymposium organized by Paul Steinmann and Julia Mergheim
Room: 5
Chair: Baixiang Xu

Partition of Unity Method for Modeling Propagating Cracks in Soft Porous Material
F. Irzal, J.J.C. Remmers, J.M.R.J. Huyghe and R. de Borst

Simulation of Hydraulic Fracturing: Interaction between a Cracked Solid and the Lubrication Flow in the Crack.
M.J. Hunsweck, Y. Shen and A.J. Lew

Modelling of Failure in Hygro-Mechanically Loaded Wooden Structures
M. Kaliske and S. Saft

A Finite-Element Method for Modeling Fracture in Disordered Media using Randomly Close-Packed Voronoi Tessellations with Applications to Fragmentation and Geomechanical Hydrofracturing
J. Bishop and M. Martinez

A Random Walk Approach to the Phase Decomposition of Eutectic Alloys
K. Weinberg, D. Anders, A. Hoffmann and H-P. Scheffler

Finite Element Simulation of Contact and Coupled Problems with Heterogeneities, Defects and Cracks
A.V. Nasedkin and A.A. Nasedkina

20:30 - 23:00
Conference Banquet Dinner

Wednesday, June 8th

09:00 - 09:45
Plenary Lecture IV
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed

Bridging Scales in Damaging Interfaces and Microstructures
M.G.D. Geers , J.A.W. van Dommelen, V.G. Kouznetsova, R.H.J. Peerlings, J.P. Hoefnagels, M. Samimi, E.W. Coenen, H.R.  Javani and M.  Kolluri

09:45 - 10:30
Plenary Lecture V
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed

A Meso Scale Approach of Dynamic Fracture of Structures
A. Combescure, D. Haboussa, F. Caleyron and T.  Elguedj

10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 13:00
Enriched Finite Element Formulations to Capture Cracks, Material Interfaces and Multiscale Phenomena II
Minisymposium organized by Jorge Alfaiate and Bert Sluys
Room: 1
Chair: Frans van der Meer

Cohesive Frictional Crack at Bi-material Interface
A. Alberto, F. Barpi and S. Valente

Cracking of Concrete Due to Rebar Corrosion: A Parametric Study Using the Expansive Joint Element
B. Sanz, J. Planas and J.M. Sancho

Continuum Damage Mechanics with Hybrid-mixed Stress Finite Element Formulations
M. Arruda and L. Castro

Dynamic Ductile Fracture in Thin-walled Structures based on XFEM
R. Larsson, M. Mostofizadeh, J. Mediavilla and M. Fagerström

Stress Intensity Factors for Three-dimensional Cracks in Plates Subjected to Thermal and Displacement Controlled Loading
M. Uslu, C. Kurtis, A.O. Ayhan and E. Nart

A Non-iterative Approach for the Modelling of Quasi-brittle Materials
R. Graça e Costa, J. Alfaiate, D.  Dias-da-Costa and L.J. Sluys

Fracture and Shrinkage Induced Cracking in Multiphase Materials II
Minisymposium organized by Guenter Hofstetter, Anthony Jefferson, Guenther Meschke and Bernhard A. Schrefler
Room: 2
Chair: Guenther Meschke
CoChair: Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot

A Numerical Procedure for 3-D Crack Propagation in Porous Media
S. Secchi and B.A. Schrefler

Modelling of Hydro-mechanical Behaviour of Cementitious Materials
C. De Sa, F. Benboudjema and J.B. Colliat

Damage and Permeability of Concrete and Rocks Subjected to Dynamic Loads
W. Chen, C. Laborderie, O. Maurel and G. Pijaudier-Cabot

Minimizing Drying-shrinkage Cracking within the Production Process and Its Effect on the Working Process of Tunnel Segments
Y. Zhang, R. Lackner and M. Zeiml

Numerical Fracture Model of the Bamboo (Guadua Angustifolia) as a Functionally Graded Material, Based on the Continuum Strong Discontinuities Approach
M. Estrada and D.L. Linero

Numerial Simulation of Energy Release Rate of Elastic Fluid-saturated Porous Media Without Cohesive Zone
Y. Gui, N. Khalili and B. Loret

Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Failure Processes III
Minisymposium organized by Jacob Fish, Marc G.D. Geers and Ron H.J. Peerlings
Room: 3
Chair: Ron H.J. Peerlings

Keynote Lecture: Two Scale Models for Simulation of Voids Shape Effects in Ductile Damage
W.Q. Shen, J. Lin, V. Monchiet and D. Kondo

Designing of Passive Safety Systems under Extreme Loading Conditions in Terms of Viscoplasticity Formulation for Anisotropic Bodies – The Role of Microdamage Nucleation
W. Sumelka and T. Łodygowski

Modelling of Multilayer Plastic Pipes Failure
P. Hutař, M. Zouhar, M. Ševčík, L. Náhlík and Z. Knésl

Computation of Fracture Behaviour of High-strength Aluminium Alloys at Low Stress Triaxialities
M. Fourmeau, T. Børvik, A. Benallal and O.S. Hopperstad

Advances in the eXtended Finite Element Method for the Simulation of Fracture Processes I
Minisymposium organized by Peter Wriggers and Stefan Loehnert
Room: 4
Chair: Stefan Loehnert

Keynote Lecture: Three-dimensional Crack Propagation with XFEM and Mesh Refinement
T.P. Fries and A. Alizada

Three-dimensional Extended Finite Element Method Based on Nodal Tetrahedra
B.W. Spencer and J.E. Dolbow

Material Forces for 3D Crack Propagation Using XFEM
M. Baydoun and T.P. Fries

Industrial Applications of XFEM for 3D Crack Propagation with Morfeo/Crack and Abaqus
M. Duflot

X-FEM with Contact and Friction along Branching Surfaces
M. Siavelis, M.L.E. Guiton, P. Massin and N. Moës

High Temperature Mismatch and Chemically Induced Cracking and Damage in Heterogeneous Particulate Composites I
Minisymposium organized by Kaspar Willam, Ignacio Carol and Erik Schlangen
Room: 5
Chair: Erik Schlangen

An Hygro-Thermo-Mechanical Model to Simulate Spalling in Concrete Exposed to Fire
D. Di Capua

Meso-mechanical Analysis of Thermal Mismatch Effects in Mortar and Concrete Specimens Using Fracture-based Zero-thickness Interface Elements
M. Rodriguez, C.M. Lopez, I. Carol and K.J. Willam

Micromechanical Modeling of Strain Behaviour of Concrete under Combined Mechanical and Thermal Loading
T. Ring, M. Zeiml and R. Lackner

Thermodynamic Consistent Gradient Poroplastic Theory for Coupled Thermo-chemical-mechanical Processes of Concrete under High Temperature
G. Etse, M. Ripani and J. Mroginski

Macro vs. Meso-scale Modelling of Concrete under High Temperature Conditions
G. Xotta, V.A. Salomoni and K.J. Willam

13:00 - 14:00

14:00 - 16:00
Enriched Finite Element Formulations to Capture Cracks, Material Interfaces and Multiscale Phenomena III
Minisymposium organized by Jorge Alfaiate and Bert Sluys
Room: 1
Chair: Jorge Alfaiate

Fracture and Failure Modelling in Earthen Structural Materials
C.D. Foster and D.A. Weed

Effect of Microstructural Randomness on the Stress-enhancement-Factor of Creeping Polycrystals
Z. Shabir and A. Simone

A Level Set Based Multi-scale Computational Modelling of Soil Lime-treatment Processes
B. Sonon, B.  François and T.J. Massart

Coarse-graining of Multiscale Crack Modelling with Computational Homogenization
V.P. Nguyen, O. Lloberas-Valls, M. Stroeven and L.J. Sluys

Fracture and Shrinkage Induced Cracking in Multiphase Materials III
Minisymposium organized by Guenter Hofstetter, Anthony Jefferson, Guenther Meschke and Bernhard A. Schrefler
Room: 2
Chair: Guenter Hofstetter
CoChair: Anthony Jefferson

Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Drying Shrinkage of Concrete Overlays
Y. Theiner, M. Aschaber and G.  Hofstetter

Physical Coupling between Shrinkage Creep and Damage, Constitutive Model for Finite Element Simulations of Concrete Structures Long Term Behaviour
A. Sellier, L. Buffo-Lacarriere and P. Souyris

Monitoring of the Creep and the Relaxation Behavior of Concrete since Setting Time, Part 1: Compression
C. Boulay, M. Crespini, S. Staquet, J. Carette and B. Delsaute

Monitoring of the Creep and the Relaxation Behavior of Concrete Since Setting Time, Part 2: Tension
B. Delsaute, J. Carette, S. Staquet, C. Boulay and M. Crespini

Aggregate-induced Shrinkage Cracking: Numerical/experimental Study
A.E. Idiart, J. Bisschop and P. Lura

Mesoscopic Modelling of Creep and Damage in Concrete
J. Saliba, F. Grondin, A. Loukili and H. Boussa

The simulation of early age cracking with a coupled thermo-hygro-mechanical for concrete model
A.D. Jefferson, R. Tenchev, G. Cole, P. Lyons and J. Ou

Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Failure Processes IV
Minisymposium organized by Jacob Fish, Marc G.D. Geers and Ron H.J. Peerlings
Room: 3
Chair: Frédéric Feyel

A Multiscale Contact-friction Method for Modeling the Response of Suspension Bridge Main Cables, Under Fracture Uncertainties
H. Waisman

Homogenized Interface Model Describing Inhomogeneities Periodically Distributed on a Surface
M. David, J-J. Marigo and C. Pideri

The influence of Microscopic Roughness on Macroscopic Adhesion Properties of Polymer-metal Interfaces
O. van der Sluis, S.P.M. Noijen, P.H.M. Timmermans and J-B. Bouquet

Variational Multi-scale Formulation for Modelling Material Failure in Heterogeneous Solids
P.J. Sánchez, P.J. Blanco, S. Toro, A.E. Huespe, S.M. Giusti and R. Feijóo

(2D-3D) Probabilistic Modelling of Cracks’ Creation and Propagation in Concrete Structures: Comparison of Two Scales of Modelling
J-L. Tailhan, P. Rossi and A.M. Caucci

Advances in the eXtended Finite Element Method for the Simulation of Fracture Processes II
Minisymposium organized by Peter Wriggers and Stefan Loehnert
Room: 4
Chair: Thomas-Peter Fries

Crack Coalescence in a Multiscale Framework
M. Holl, S. Loehnert and P. Wriggers

A FEM/XFEM Strategy for Chained Modal and Crack Propagation Analyses
E. Wyart and H. Minnebo

An Adapted GFEM to the Modelling of Fracture in Ceramic-Matrix Composites
B. Tranquart, P. Ladevèze, E. Baranger and A. Mouret

Cohesive Zone Models And Path-following Methods in the Extended Finite Element Formulation (XFEM)
G. Ferte and P. Massin

A Robust Discontinuous-Galerkin-Based Extended Finite Element Method for Fracture Problems with Nearly Incompressible Elasticity
Y. Shen and A.J. Lew

Electrification Processes during Solid Fracture Causing Electromagnetic Emissions
H.G. Silva, P.M. Areias, N. Van Goethem and M. Bezzeghoud

High Temperature Mismatch and Chemically Induced Cracking and Damage in Heterogeneous Particulate Composites II
Minisymposium organized by Kaspar Willam, Ignacio Carol and Erik Schlangen
Room: 5
Chair: Kaspar Willam

Structural Monitoring and Residual Reactive Silica Measurement Combination for Finite Element Analysis of Structures Affected by ASR
A. Sellier, E. Bourdarot, E. Grimal, S. Multon and M. Cyr

Environmental Mismatch Effect in Heterogeneous Concrete Material
I. Rhee and K.J. Willam

Multi-scale Modelling of Fracture due to Expansion or Shrinkage of Heterogeneous Material Components
E. Schlangen and Z. Qian

Modeling of the Softening Behaviour of Concrete Subjected to Dynamic Tensile Loading in Spalling Tests
P. Forquin, L. Sallier, B. Erzar and J. Mazars

Simulation of ASR Gel Expansion within Cracks in a Reacted Aggregate with 3D Lattice Model
C. Anaç, E. Schlangen, O. Çopuroğlu and G.J. Einarsson