Submission of Contributions
      Registered People
      Registration Form

Number of visits: 42187

How to register and submit contributions

Authors are invited to submit individual contributions to any of the conference topics. Both registration and submission of abstracts and full papers (after acceptance), should be electronic through the conference web site.
Registration does not oblige authors to pay any fees until their contribution is accepted.

To be registered as a participant for the conference, please do the following:

If you are not registered
  1. You need to enter your personal information in the form choose your own login and password and save it.
  2. Then you will be able to complete the information regarding your contribution and send it (as if it were an attachment to an e-mail).Only .pdf files can be loaded.
  3. To complete your registration as a participant, you need to choose the payment method in your registration form and follow the instructions for each method of payment. At least one of the authors must register during the advance registration period in order for their paper remain on the final program of the conference.
If you are registered
  1. Enter the site using your login and password.
  2. Proceed as indicated in the above points 2 and 3.

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