Submission of Contributions

Number of visits: 42076

17/7/2014    10:30 - 12:30
Structural Monitoring (I)
Room: VS213
Chair: Akira Mita
CoChair: Krzysztof Mendrok

Experimental Validation of a Numerical Model Predicting the Propagation of Acoustic Emissions in a Wing Spar for SHM Purposes
G. Zarini, T.P. Waters and S.J. Elliott

Ambient Temperature Effect Elimination using Local Modal Filters
Z. Dworakowski and K. Mendrok

Multi-Metric Structural Displacement Monitoring using Model-Based Kalman Filter
H. Jo and B.F. Spencer, Jr.

Stress Measurement of Gusset Plate at a Fracture Critical Steel Truss Bridge using Nonlinear Ultrasonics
Z. Abbasi, J. Bittner and D. Ozevin

Estimation of Story Drift Angle using Optical Flow
S. Katsuragi and A. Mita

Implementation of Shelter Guidance System for Commuters who are unable to return Home based on Structural Health Monitoring
A. Mita

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