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Number of visits: 163053

14:00 - 16:00

Parallel sessions
MS11: Smart Design of Periodic Structures I

Mini-Symposium organized by Christophe Droz, Olivier Bareille, Wim Desmet and Elke Deckers


Room: Amphi Esquillon

Chair: Christophe Droz

Co-Chair: Morvan Ouisse

On the effect of distributed embedded resonators in curved sandwich panels loaded by turbulent boundary layer

F. Errico, M. Ichchou, S. De Rosa, F. Franco and O. Bareille


On the structural characterization through k-space methods: assessments and validations

G. Tufano, C. Droz, M. Ichchou, O. Bareille, A.-M. Zine, W. Desmet and B. Pluymers


Wave-diode effect exploiting discretely modulated phononic waveguides

E. Riva, G. Cazzulani, J. Marconi and F. Braghin


Elastic Energy Transport Leveraging Tunable Topological Structures

D.E. Quadrelli, E. Riva, G. Cazzulani and F. Braghin


Investigations about the modelling of acoustic properties of periodic porous materials with the shift cell approach

D. Magliacano, M. Ouisse, S. De Rosa, F. Franco and A. Khelif


On the vibration attenuation properties of finite periodic lattices of impact dampers

V. Dertimanis, S. Masri and E. Chatzi


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