MS11: Smart Design of Periodic Structures I Mini-Symposium organized by Christophe Droz, Olivier Bareille, Wim Desmet and Elke Deckers | WeA06I02 Room: Amphi Esquillon Chair: Christophe Droz Co-Chair: Morvan Ouisse | On the effect of distributed embedded resonators in curved sandwich panels loaded by turbulent boundary layer F. Errico, M. Ichchou, S. De Rosa, F. Franco and O. Bareille Abstract | On the structural characterization through k-space methods: assessments and validations G. Tufano, C. Droz, M. Ichchou, O. Bareille, A.-M. Zine, W. Desmet and B. Pluymers Abstract | Wave-diode effect exploiting discretely modulated phononic waveguides E. Riva, G. Cazzulani, J. Marconi and F. Braghin Abstract | Elastic Energy Transport Leveraging Tunable Topological Structures D.E. Quadrelli, E. Riva, G. Cazzulani and F. Braghin Abstract | Investigations about the modelling of acoustic properties of periodic porous materials with the shift cell approach D. Magliacano, M. Ouisse, S. De Rosa, F. Franco and A. Khelif Abstract | On the vibration attenuation properties of finite periodic lattices of impact dampers V. Dertimanis, S. Masri and E. Chatzi Abstract |