A Visco-Rigid Model using PFEM for simulating the Failure of Non-cohesive Granular Material
A. Larese , R. Rossi and E. Oñate
Simulation of Solute Transport in 3D Porous Media using Random Walk Particle Tracking Method
Y. Sun, C. Park, W. Wang and O. Kolditz
Breakage of Needle-Shaped Particles in a Combination of Compressive and Shearing Stress Field
Z. Grof, F. Stepanek and P. Rajniak
Modelling of Particles Size Segregation: Valiation and Calibration using the Discrete Element Method
A.R. Thornton, T. Weinhart and S. Luding
Incipient Sediment Transport for Non-Cohesive Landforms by the Discrete Element Method (DEM)
R. Bravo, P. Ortiz and J.L. Pérez-Aparicio