Particle Hydrodynamics: from Molecular to Colloidal Fluids
F. Balboa Usabiaga and R. Delgado-Buscalioni
Elastic Instabilities in Channel-Flows Studied with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
M. Ellero and A. Vázquez-Quesada
SDPD Simulation of Colloidal Suspension
X. Bian, M. Ellero and N.A. Adams
A Fully Coupled 3D Transport Model in SPH for Multi-Species Reaction-Diffusion Systems
S. Adami, X.Y. Hu, N.A. Adams, E.M. Ryan and A.M. Tartakovsky
Contact Line Hydrodynamics with SPH
S. Adami, X.Y. Hu and N.A. Adams
Smoothed Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulation of Polymer Solutions
S. Litvinov, M. Ellero, X.Y. Hu and N.A. Adams