21/7/2014    16:30 - 18:30
Numerical Methods for Ocean Coastal and Internal Waves Modeling I
Minisymposium organized by Fraunie Philippe, Bodnar Tomas and Espino Manuel
Room: Business Centre I
Chair: Philippe Fraunié
A coupled finite element-boundary element (FEM-BEM) formulation for the Mild Slope Equation: An improvement for open and partial reflecting boundaries
Antonio Cerrato Casado, José A. González Pérez and Luis Rodríguez-Tembleque

Numerical modeling of stratified wake flows
Philippe Fraunié, Hatem Houcine, Adel Gharbi and Yuli D. Chashechkin

On the modeling of an atmospheric free convection in an idealized v-shaped valley
Tomáš Bodnár, Philippe Fraunié and Karel Kozel

Generation and propagation of solitary waves over varying topography
Ching-Sen Wu and Der-Liang Young

Fractal methods in coastal diffusion models
José M. Redondo, Margarita Diez and Philippe Fraunié

LES of wind and wave forced oceanic turbulent boundary layers using the residual-based variational multiscale method and near-wall modeling
Andrés E. Tejada-Martinez, Roozbeh Golshan, Ido Akkerman and Yuri Bazilevs

Numerical simulation of stably stratified flow around an obstacle
Hatem Houcine, Philippe Fraunié, Adel Gharbi and Yuli D. Chashechkin