22/7/2014    16:30 - 18:30
Advances with Adjoint CFD Solvers for Unsteady Flow II
Minisymposium organized by Jens-Dominik Mueller, Carsten Othmer, Jacek Rokicki, Kyriakos Giannakoglou, Uwe Naumann, Marcus Meyer, Eugene de Villiers, Mustafa Megahed and Laurent Hascoet
Room: Sala D4
Chair: Jens-Dominik Mueller
On the forward in time solution of the unsteady adjoint equations (Keynote Lecture)
Dimitrios I. Papadimitriou

Towards converged adjoint state for large industrial cases by improving the discretization schemes
Mattia Oriani and Guillaume Pierrot

Adjoint-based shape optimization at isoconnectivity through robust mesh deformation
Georgios S. Eleftheriou and Guillaume Pierrot

Flow control sensitivities for unsteady vehicle aerodynamics
Nikolaos Magoulas, Carsten Othmer, Evangelos M. Papoutsis-Kiachagias and Kyriakos C. Giannakoglou

Efficient optimization algorithms for optimal control of turbulent flows
Cornelia C. Nita, Stefan Vandewalle and Johan Meyers