We would like to invite you to participate in the 10th International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation (ADMOS 2021) which will be held 21-23 June 2021. Due to the current pandemic we have decided to host the conference in a digital format at Chalmers University Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. Hopefully in the near future we can meet again in person and in a safe way but until then we are preparing a professional online venue and we would like you to take part in the fully-online experience.
Numerical Modeling and Simulation are increasingly used as a complementary tool to Experimental Modeling and Analysis and as a design or certification tool in engineering applications. However, after more than thirty years of scientific investigation around Adaptive Modeling and Simulation, the problem of properly assessing and controlling the quality of the numerical solutions still represents a relevant issue in the scientific community. Nowadays, it is well-established that a certain maturity has been reached in this context, as well as calculations for industrial applications can be verified and error bounds can be provided in many cases. Nevertheless, the design of sophisticated engineering systems requires increasingly complex and coupled modeling and verification tools are still lacking in these cases. Furthermore, new challenges characterize the actual industrial demands, such as fast calculations for real-time decision making, design optimization, inverse analysis, simulation-based control, in particular in the presence of uncertainty.
The main goal of ADMOS 2021 is to provide a forum for presenting and discussing the current state-of-the-art achievements on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation, including theoretical models, numerical methods, algorithmic strategies and challenging engineering applications.
ADMOS 2021 is jointly organized by Chalmers University of Technology, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and CIMNE and it is promoted by the European Committee in Solids and Structural Mechanics (ECSSM) of ECCOMAS. ADMOS is one of the conferences that launched the ECCOMAS series of thematic conferences. The previous editions were held successively in Göteborg in 2003, Barcelona in 2005, Göteborg in 2007, Bruxelles in 2009, Paris in 2011, Lisbon in 2013, Nantes in 2015, in Verbania, Italy in 2017 and in El Campello (Alicante) in 2019.
We look forward to receiving your abstracts and welcoming you to join the online conference in June 2021.
Fredrik Larsson
Pedro Díez
Chairs of the Conference

Fredrik Larsson
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Pedro Díez
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Plenary Lecturers

Stefanie Reese
RWT Aachen University, Germany

Peter Hansbo
Jönköping University, Sweden

JP Moitinho de Almeida
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
- Big data and data assimilation
- Biomedical simulations and applications
- Domain decomposition & HPC
- Dynamics and nonlinear problems
- Error estimates (guaranteed bounds, goal-oriented, space/time/phase)
- Immerse Boundary Methods
- Industrial and engineering applications
- Mesh and model adaptivity
- Multiscale, multimodel and multiphysics
- Optimization and inverse problems
- Reduced order modeling
- Stochastic modeling
People willing to organize Minisymposia on a specific topic are kindly invited to send their proposal to the conference secretariat providing a temptative title and a short description.
The preliminary list of confirmed MS follows:
Advanced methods for data assimilation/inverse problems (connected with adaptive modeling)
Organized by:
Ludovic Chamoin, L.M.T. Cachan, France
Applications of goal-oriented error estimation and adaptivity
Organized by:
Serge Prudhomme, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Fictitious domain: methods and applications
Organized by:
Juan José Ródenas, Universidad Politècnica de València, Spain
Enrique Nadal, Universidad Politècnica de València, Spain
Ernst Rank, Technical University of Munich ,Germany
Mesh adaptation techniques for numerical simulation
Organized by:
Franck Ledoux, CEA, France
Adrien Loseille, Gamma3, INRIA Saclay, France
Suzanne Michelle Shontz, The University of Kansas, United States
Per-Olof Persson, University of California, United States
Organized by:
Sergio Zlotnik, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
- The conference will last 3 days including 5 regular sessions and a Plenary Lecturer every day.
- A regular session includes 6 talks of 5 minutes each plus a 30 minute live discussion.
- Plenary talks are allocated up to 25 minutes plus a 20 minute live discussion.
- All talks will be pre-recorded and broadcasted live during the conference with a live discussion in each session.
- Proceedings, in form of abstract and recorded oral presentations, will be published (with DOI) and permanently stored in an open access platform.
Sponsors and Supporting Organizations
Conference Venue
Welcome to Gothenburg!
Online Venue

/Göteborg & Co

/Göteborg & Co

/Göteborg & Co

/Göteborg & Co

/Göteborg & Co

/Göteborg & Co

/Göteborg & Co

/Göteborg & Co

/Göteborg & Co

/Göteborg & Co

About Chalmers
ADMOS 2021 will take place in a digital format in Gothenburg, Sweden. Chalmers University of Technology is a Swedish university that focuses on research and education in technology, natural sciences, architecture, maritime and management areas. Chalmers is located on two campuses: Johanneberg in the city centre, and Lindholmen in the middle of the expansive Norra Älvstranden (north of the river). Chalmers also conducts research at Onsala Space Observatory 45 km south of Gothenburg. The university is named after its major benefactor, William Chalmers, one of the directors of the successful Swedish East India Company in Gothenburg. Chalmers University of Technology was founded in 1829 through the will of William Chalmers.
Host City – Gothenburg
Gothenburg blends a distinct feeling of charm with the pulse of modern urban life and creative atmosphere. The city is in the middle of an exciting period of infrastructural and content development and is also filled with flourishing gardens, historic sites and buildings, and magnificent museums. The tram-rattled streets are lined with cosy cafés and restaurants, some of them internationally renowned for their haute cuisine. Gothenburg is also home to Scandinavia’s largest amusement park and with a location on the Swedish west coast you will be on a ferry in less than 30 minutes from the downtown area to explore the tranquil archipelago.
Gothenburg celebrates 400 years!
Gothenburg has been an international city since it was founded in 1621 and in fact, next year Gothenburg celebrates 400 years!
For almost 400 years Gothenburg has looked outwards toward the sea and the world beyond. Our city was built and planned by Dutch and Germans. As a maritime city of trade and industry we have fostered close relationships and been able to exchange skills with many other countries. International contacts, outside influences and people from different cultures have always been an asset to Gothenburg, and still are today. We are a sustainable city that is open to the world
The accessible city
Gothenburg is an open and accessible city. It offers almost everything you would expect of a cosmopolitan city – within walking distance. All you need is right in the city and you can get everywhere on foot – from the Central Station to your hotel, to the arenas, shopping, restaurants and nightlife. But it´s not just close to everything; it´s also easy to get here. The international airport is just 20 minutes from the city centre and you can get direct flights here from more than 65 European cities.
Today, Greater Gothenburg is home to 970,000 people from almost every country on the planet. It is they who give the city its soul, its pulse and its unique atmosphere. In Sweden Gothenburg have a reputation for their friendliness and hospitality, and many who visit the city for the first time can attest to just how welcoming it feels.
Gothenburg has sustainability in its DNA and is a four-year consecutive winner for the world’s most sustainable meeting city according to the Global Sustainability Index.
It is easy to organise a sustainable meeting in Gothenburg. With world-class and internationally recognised green system solutions in place and with great experience in making major events sustainable and accessible Gothenburg strives to minimise any negative impact on people and the environment.
Knowledge is power
Gothenburg is one of Sweden’s foremost innovation environments. Universities, science parks and research institutes are based here and there is a strong commitment and a well-developed collaboration between academia, the public sector and the business sector.
Important Dates
Important dates
- Deadline for presenting a one / two page abstract: 1 March, 2021
- Notification of acceptance of the contributions submitted: 8 March, 2021
- Deadline for speaker registration(*) and early bird rates: 9 April, 2021
Deadline for submitting the extended abstract or full paper of a maximum 8 pages (not mandatory): 13 May, 2021
This non mandatory submission is to be done once the payment of the registration fee is completed. -
Deadline for submitting the recorded oral presentation (videos) to SCIPEDIA (Video proceedings): 13 May, 2021
*Available in SCIPEDIA BEFORE the conference. Instructions available in CALL FOR VIDEOS -
Deadline for submitting the recorded oral presentation (videos) to MEETX/TRIPPUS (Digital Platform/Online Venue): 1 Jun, 2021
Instructions available in CALL FOR VIDEOS -
Deadline for submitting the recorded oral presentation (videos) to SCIPEDIA (Video proceedings): 18 Jun, 2021
*Only available in SCIPEDIA AFTER the conference. Instructions available in CALL FOR VIDEOS
(*) Speakers are required to finalize their registration before April 23, 2021 in order to get the presentation included in the Conference Programme.
Registration Fees
Online Participation
- Registration for payment: You are invited to register for the payment now. Please choose your fee and press the blue payment button. You will be directed to the Meetx (trippus website) where you will need to register in order to make your payment.
If you have any queries about the registration please do not hesitate to contact the conference secretariat at Meetx: admos2021@meetx.se - Registration fees are expressed in SEK. Early bird rates applicable if paid by 9 April, 2021.
- Registration fees include: Participation in the conference and proceedings with all oral presentations (with DOI) permanently stored in an open access platform.
- Important information regarding VAT and Reversed Charge: The fees are stated in SEK excluding Swedish VAT. Please note that delegates representing a company or organization from a country outside of Sweden are NOT required to pay Swedish VAT on the virtual conference registration fee.
- Outside EU: If you are from a country outside of EU you can register without a VAT number.
- Inside EU: A valid VAT number is mandatory, otherwise VAT will be added to your registration fee. It is important that your number is stated exactly according to EU standards.
- Delegates from Sweden and private persons: Delegates from Sweden and private persons are required to pay VAT on the registration fee (25%). You do not need to enter your VAT number at this stage.
- Final acceptance is contingent upon payment of the registration fee by the speaker before Apr 23, 2021.
- ECCOMAS and IACM fees published already include the 5% deduction on the delegates Non Member fees. To take advantage of this reduction, please fill in the downloadable form and send it by email to admos@cimne.upc.edu.
- Student registration: Student rate attendees must send by e-mail to admos@cimne.upc.edu, a letter from their Department Head/Chair that states that the attendee is a full time student.
- Refund Policy: Registered attendees (AUTHORS AND NON AUTHORS) are liable for their full fees once the payment is processed (i.e., NO Refund will be made). If you cannot attend the conference, your registration is transferable to another member of your organization. An administrative cost of SEK 250 (EUR 25) will be charged.
Abstract Submission
This area is for Authors only.
Submission of abstracts, conference registration as well as payment (through Meetx), has to be performed electronically, via the conference website.
Authors are invited to submit individual contributions related to any Conference topics (no code is required, the Topic can be selected from the drop-down menu when uploading the abstract).
Submissions to MS are by invitation.
About Abstract
One/two page Abstract describing the main features of the presented work have to be submitted by March 1, 2021.
Extended abstract of a maximum 8 pages (not mandatory) have to be submitted by May 13, 2021.
The submitted contributions can be further edited or updated but only by the registered participants. To make any change in the contribution submitted you have to login as the registered participant, update the paper information and submit the new file.
If you want to check that the submission was successful, refresh the website and login again.
To avoid double registrations, please do not create a new record. -
It is expected that the corresponding author will provide the talk.
Only one presentation per registration is allowed.
Final acceptance is contingent on the payment of the registration fee by the presenting author before April 23, 2021.
Please contact the Conference Secretariat (admos@cimne.upc.edu) for any further information.
As we previously informed you, we kindly ask you now to prepare and send your recorded oral presentation to be broadcasted live during the conference in the digital platform. Moreover, you are also offered to upload the same recording, or an optionally longer version, to the open access platform SCIPEDIA where proceedings, in the form of an video and abstract, with DOI will be permanently stored. You are also offered to replace the accepted short abstract with an extended abstract/short paper.
The deadline for submitting the proceedings (video and extended abstract) has been extended to May 13, 2021. See details below.
Please find below some recommendations and technical information for the presentations which we strongly suggest you follow in order to offer an excellent quality of the conference:
Recorded oral presentation submission in the DIGITAL PLATFORM (Online Venue)
Each author having confirmed his or her participation at the congress will receiv an email from Meetx/Trippus soon with a unique link to upload his or her pre-recorded presentation. Alternatively, you can create and send to admos2021@meetx.se a link with a video presentation (Full HD (1080p), 5 minute duration) to allow accessibility to it. (Google drive, Box, Drop Box are accepted).
The deadline for submitting the video to MEETX/TRIPPUS to be broadcasted during the conference is June 1, 2021.
(*) Please check our tips on to give a great virtual presentation in the link at the end of this message.
Recorded oral presentation submission to SCIPEDIA (Video proceedings)
Each author is invited to submit a video for the proceedings in SCIPEDIA. You may choose to upload the same 5 minutes presentation submitted for the Online Venue, or you may opt for submitting a longer version of the presentation of maximum 20 minutes. The proceedings will be published so they are available for offline viewing during the conference.
Note: Even if you choose to upload the same video to SCIPEDIA as to Online venue you must submit the presentation separately to SCIPEDIA. The video will not be automatically transferred from the digital platform.
The deadline for submitting the video to SCIPEDIA in order to make it available BEFORE the conference has been extended to MAY 13, 2021. On the other hand, the deadline for submitting the video to SCIPEDIA to make it available AFTER the conference is now June 18, 2021. If a video is not submitted by those dates, no video will be published in the proceedings.
Please follow the instructions below to submit your video:
Step 1: Be sure you have recorded a video presentation (Full HD (1080p) and ASF or WMV, AVI, MPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-4, QuickTime, WAV, WebM, MXF formats accepted) of 5 minute duration or an optional longer video of a maximum of 20 minutes.
(*) Please check our tips on to give a great virtual presentation in the link at the end of this message.
Step 2: Create a link to allow accessibility to it. (Google drive, Box, Drop Box are accepted).
Step 3: Login to your personal account on the ADMOS website, the one you created when you registered. Click the button “Modify your contribution” in your “My contributions” area.
Step 4: Copy the link in the “video recorded link” box.
Document submission to SCIPEDIA (Written proceedings)
In addition to the video proceedings, each author is offered to publish either the accepted abstract or an extended abstract/short paper of maximum 8 pages in the SCIPEDIA proceedings.
The (optional) extended abstract/short paper can be uploaded on the ADMOS website under your personal account.
The deadline for submitting an extended abstract/short paper has been extended to May 13, 2021. If no extended abstract /short paper is uploaded by that date, the ACCEPTED short abstract will be published and stored in SCIPEDIA.