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28/4/2015    08:30 - 10:30
1.32 MS: Structural Analysis and Vibrations III
Minisymposia organized by Diana V. Bambill and Liz Nallim
Room: Buen Ayre B
Chair: Diana V. Bambill

Formulation of a macro hierarchical finite element for the analysis of thick laminated beams
L. G. Nallim, F. J. Bellomo, R. F. Rango* and S. Oller

Analysis of structures subjected to external loads using the continuous wavelet transform and energy parameters
M. Varanis*, R. Pederiva and R. Gregolin

Size-dependent dynamic analysis of Timoshenko microbeam using the finite element method
D. H. Felix*, G. I. Guerrero and D. V. Bambill

A stress analysis app
S.  Gallegos Cázares* and A. Balderrama López

Use of computational fluid dynamic to compare the pressure loss between a parallel flow field plate and a parallel-baffle flow field plate in a direct ethanol proton exchange membrane fuel cell
J. Vicente, G. Benetti, M. Forte, G. Heusy*, E. Mathias and P. Belchor

Use of computational fluid dynamic to compare the pressure loss between a parallel-baffle flow field plate and a fractal parallel-baffle flow field plate in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell
M. Toigo*, F. Breyer, R. Proinelli, G. Benetti, M. Forte, G. Heusy, J. Vicente, P. Prado and P. Belchor

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
PANACM2015_sec@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 94 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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