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16/10/2008    16:00 - 18:00
Structural Mechanics
Room: EL2
Chair: Gunnar Tibert
The Simplest Shell Element:Flat,Twisted or Curved?
A.H. Niemi

Modelling of a 3D Pipe System Containing both Straight and Curved Segments using Boundary Integral Equations Method
A. Søe-Knudsen

A Nonlinear Elastic Model Applied to Pipelay Operation in Ocean Engineering
N. Säfström, G. Jensen, T. Nguyen, T. Fossen

Dominant Balances at Dispersion Equations of Elastic Helical Springs
S.V. Sorokin

Durability Analysis of a Harvesting Vehicle based on Modal Superpositioning
A. Kristensen

Multimode Approach to Aerodynamic Stability of Slender Bridges
O. Øiseth, E. Strømmen, A. Rönnquist

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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