16/10/2008 10:30 - 12:30
Solid Mechanics I
Room: EL6
Chair: Zhiliang Zhang
Three-Dimensional Finite Element Study on the Nanoindentation Process of Hydrated Nacre
J. Zhao, Z.L. Zhang
Atomistic Simulations of Thermophoretic Motion of Water Nanodroplets in Carbon Nanotubes
H. Zambrano-Rodriguez, J. Walther, P. Koumoutsakos, I. Sbalzarini
Numerical simulations of TiB2 mechanical properties degradation by liquid Al infiltration
M. Pezzotta, Z.L. Zhang
Towards Computational Modeling of Grain Size Dependence in Microstructure Models of Polycrystals
S. Bargmann, M. Ekh, K. Runesson, B. Svendsen
Nanomechanics of Micron Sized Polymer Particles
J.Y. He, Z.L. Zhang, H. Kristiansen
A Constitutive Model for Thermoplastics in Structural Applications
M. Polanco-Loria, A.H. Clausen, T. Berstad, O.S. Hopperstad