16/10/2008 16:00 - 18:00
Fluid Mechanics
Room: EL6
Chair: Bernhard Müller
Wave Impact on a Fixed Offshore Structure - An Industrial CFD Example
K.K. Heggernes
A Computational Approach to Analysis of a Fluid Flow and of Vibration of Solids Submerged in Liquids utilizing the Bézier Surfaces
J. Zapomel
Finite Element Analysis of Biot‘s Consolidation Model
J. Könnö, R. Stenberg
Numerical Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction in Human Phonation
M. Larsson, B. Müller
The Spalart-Allmaras Model Applied at Flow Over Different Contoured Ramp Configurations
K.R. Jakobsen, B. Pettersen, H.I. Andersson
A Finite Element Family for the Brinkman Problem
M. Juntunen, R. Stenberg