16/10/2008 16:00 - 18:00
Multiscale Modeling
Invited Session organized by Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Room: EL5
Chair: Fredrik Larsson
CoChair: Kenneth Runesson
Adaptive Variational Multiscale Methods
M.G. Larson, A. Malqvist Keynote Lecture
Homogenization and Shell theory for Modeling
M. Landervik, R. Larsson
A Multiscale Mixed Finite-Element Method for Vuggy and Naturally-Fractured Reservoirs
A.F. Gulbransen, V.L. Hauge, K.-A Lie
Multi-scale Plasticity Modeling: Continuum Plasticity Coupled to Discrete Dislocation Plasticity
M. Wallin, W.A. Curtin, M. Ristinmaa, A. Needleman
Computational Homogenization of Transient Heat Conduction
F. Su, F. Larsson, K. Runesson