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16/10/2008    16:00 - 18:00
Multiscale Modeling
Invited Session organized by Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Room: EL5
Chair: Fredrik Larsson
CoChair: Kenneth Runesson
Adaptive Variational Multiscale Methods
M.G. Larson, A. Malqvist
Keynote Lecture

Homogenization and Shell theory for Modeling
M. Landervik, R. Larsson

A Multiscale Mixed Finite-Element Method for Vuggy and Naturally-Fractured Reservoirs
A.F. Gulbransen, V.L. Hauge, K.-A Lie

Multi-scale Plasticity Modeling: Continuum Plasticity Coupled to Discrete Dislocation Plasticity
M. Wallin, W.A. Curtin, M. Ristinmaa, A. Needleman

Computational Homogenization of Transient Heat Conduction
F. Su, F. Larsson, K. Runesson

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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