16/10/2008 10:30 - 12:30
FEM-Software I (In honour of Professor Kolbein Bell)
Invited Session organized by Trond Kvamsdal, Kjell Magne Mathisen
Room: EL5
Chair: Kjell Magne Mathisen
Finite Element Software Design and Development
A.C. Damhaug Keynote Lecture
Development of Advanced Software based on Kolbein Bells Work
T. Holmas
Development of the Link Program Software
K. Holthe, E. Berg, B. Skallerud
Best Engineering Practice in Design of Offshore and Ship Structures
K. Aamnes, O.C. Astrup
3-D Visualization and Communication Solutions for CAE Workflows
T.H. Hansen, A. Sager, S.I. Dale, K. Aamnes