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17/10/2008    13:30 - 14:50
Computational Biomechanics
Invited Session organized by Bjørn Skallerud, Leif Rune Hellevik
Room: EL6
Chair: Bjørn Skallerud
CoChair: Leif Rune Hellevik
CFD Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid flow in the Cranio-cervical Region
A.E. Løvgren, S. Linge, K.A. Mardal, V. Haughton, H.P. Langtangen

Patient-specific Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulations in the Circle of Willis
O.C Myklebust, S. Hentschel, K.A. Mardal

Modeling and Simulations of Myocardial Deformation - Comparisons with Measurements
E. Remme

On the Biomechanical Analysis of Bruises
B. Skallerud, A. Winnem, L.L. Randeberg, L. Svaasand

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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