3/10/2005 16:00 - 18:15
ME1 - Applications
Room: Sala 1
Chair: to be confirmed
KEYNOTE LECTURE: Changing the Design Paradigm on Membranes and other Lightweights
B. Kröplin
Large Deformation Static Analysis of Inflatable Prefolded Membrane and Shell Structures
M. Haßler, K. Schweizerhof
The Membrane Cover of the New Airport Tower in Vienna
P. Mandl, T. Lorenz
A Modified Material Model to Simulate Wrinkling of Orthotropic Membranes at Finite Deformations
J.G. Valdés Vazquez, E. Oñate, J. Miquel Canet
Numerical and Experimental Values Comparison for an Inflatable Structure
J. Pons, E. Oñate, F. Flores, J. Garcia, R. Ribó, J. Marcipar