4/10/2005 16:30 - 18:30
TE1 - Numerical Methods for Structural Analysis II
Room: Sala 1
Chair: to be confirmed
Dynamic Behaviour of Inflatable Membranes for Impact and Wind Loading
J. Bellmann
A Microstructure Model for Fabric-Reinforced Membranes based on Discrete Element Modelling
D. Ballhause, M. König, B. Kröplin
Numerical and Experimental Study of Inflatable Lifejackets
J. Troufflard, J.M. Cadou, G. Rio
Numerical Simulation of Wind-Structure Interaction for Free Form Membrane Structures
R. Wüchner, A. Kupzok, K.U. Bletzinger
Argyris´ Natural Membrane Finite Element Revisited
R.M. Pauletti, D.M. Guirardi, T.E. Deifeld
The Mechanical behaviour of Coated Fabrics used in Prestressing Textile Engineering: Theory, Simulation and Numerical Analysis to be used in a FEM-Model
H. Bögner, R. Blum