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5/9/2014    14:15 - 15:45
A. ANALYSIS: A8-1. Existing Structures, Design Standards and Actions - 1
Room: A.1.6.1
Chair: José M Goicolea

Safety of live loads for the bridges in Russia, USA and Europe
Alexander I. Vasilyev

The development of successful design standards: understanding the challenges
Mariapia Angelino, Jitendra Agarwal, Jon Shave, Steve Denton

The structural assessment of the partially collapsed Izbor Viaduct
Lukasz Wojnarski

Assessment and Rehabilitation of the Structure of Existing Reinforced Concrete Tanks
Marina Traykova, Raina Boiadjieva

Evaluation of a Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge with Early Transverse Cracking
Yin Shen, Guoping Li

Analysis of Existing Masonry Arch Bridges using Finite Elements
Steve Rhodes, Philip Icke

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