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4/9/2014    11:00 - 12:45
M. MAJOR PROJECTS AND INNOVATIVE STRUCTURES AND MATERIALS: M5-3. Building Structures and Singular Structures - 3
Room: Salón de Actos
Chair: Marcos Beier

Structural design and construction of the Carouge-Bachet underground railway station in Switzerland
Franco Rodolfo Rojas Horna, Michel Capron

Design and Construction of Circular and Vertical Prestressed Concrete Digester Tanks, Atotonilco (México)
Jose Manuel Duro Rodriguez, Eduardo Torralba, Álvaro del Cuvillo

Structural Mechanization of Giant Observation Wheels
Nicholas Christie, John Lyle

Construction of the Las Vegas High Roller Observation Wheel
Dan Schwarz, John Callaghan, Nick Greco, Rob Smith, Adrian Crowther

The Las Vegas High Roller: the world's largest observation wheel
Rob Smith, Adrian Crowther

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