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3/9/2014    16:15 - 18:00
A. ANALYSIS: A3-1. Dynamic Analysis - 1
Room: A.1.6.1
Chair: Alfredo Camara

Advantages and limitations of multi-degree-of-freedom models to simulate impact behavior of concrete structures
Carlos Zanuy, Servando García Fluxà, Pablo de la Fuente, Iván M. Díaz, Luis Albajar

Vibration Considerations in the Hillsborough River Bascule Bridge Rehabilitation Design
Dongzhou Huang

Influence of aerodynamic characteristics of "H" beams on galloping stability.
Fernando Gandia, José Meseguer, Ángel Sanz

Dynamic Analysis Using Similitude Law Considering Strain Distortion
Jamin Park, Jae-Yeol Cho

Validation of simplified models for the analysis of reinforced concrete beams exposed to gas explosions
Ramon Hingorani, Peter Tanner, Max A. N. Hendriks

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