3/7/13    14:00 - 17:20
FP.19: Rarefied flows and real gas effects III
Room: Holiday Inn - Forum 16
Chair: Pénélope Leyland
Rapporteur: to be confirmed
Computational analysis of the flowfield past a capsule returning at super-orbital speed
A. Viviani and G. Pezzella

Fundamental relations on airframe/propulsion integration for supersonic aircraft (*)
A.A. Gubanov

Reynolds number and surface roughness effects on damping derivatives of the Exomars capsule (*)
A. Guelhan, J. Klevanski, M. Dormieaux, P. Tran, J. Merrifield, S. Portigliotti, P. Venditto, L. Walpot and O. Bayle

Radiation-ablation coupling for capsule reentry heating via simulation and expansion tube investigations
P. Leyland , T. Mcintyre, R. Morgan, F. Zander, U. Sheikh, T. Eichmann, O. Joshi, E. Fahy, G.  Duffa and D. Potter

Compressibility effects on the aerodynamic surface quantities of hypersonic gap flows (*)
L. Paolicchi and W. Santos

Computational analysis of a rarefied hypersonic flow over combined gap/step geometries (*)
P. Leite and W. Santos

A blunted cone in a supersonic high-enthalpy nonequilibrium supersonic air flow (*)
E.B. Vasilevskiy, B.E. Zhestkov, V. Sakharov and V.V. Shtapov