3/7/13    14:00 - 17:20
SI.05: Space Systems Concepts
Room: Holiday Inn - Forum 9
Chair: Paulo Moraes
CoChair: Kazuhisa Chiba
Rapporteur: to be confirmed
Propulsion and Vehicle Study for Future Space Transportation at JAXA
M. Yoshida, S. Ishimoto, T. Kimura, S. Tomioka, M. Kodera and K. Tani

Technology maturation for the next generation reignitable cryogenic upper stage
M. Güthler, M.  Rossmann, B.  Hürmann, M. Brünger and T.  Renk

Improving the Brazilian Satellite Launch Vehicle
P. Moraes, L. Potolski and H. Schlingloff

Conceptual design of single-stage hybrid rocket in view of multidiscipline using design informatics
K. Chiba, M. Kanazaki, K. Kitagawa, M. Nakamiya and T. Shimada

Space mini-vehicle with the laser propulsion system
Y.A..A Rezunkov, M.S. Egorov and A.A. Schmidt