3/7/13    14:00 - 17:20
M1.0: DESIREH Programme Eccomas/Eucass
Room: Holiday Inn - Forum 1
Chair: Jochen Wild
Rapporteur: to be confirmed
Overview on the DESIREH project
Keynote Lecture

J. Wild

Acceleration of URANS for Application to Separated High-Lift Flows
P. Eliasson, C. Marongiu and S. Bosnyakov

Comparison of Grid Adaptation techniques for High Lift Flows Applications
J. Ponsin, M. Meheut, L. Tysell and T. Sucipto

Progress in Optical Measurement Methods in Cryogenic Conditions
J. Quest, R. Konrath and U. Henne

Optimization Strategies for High-Lift Design
P. Iannelli, M. Minervino, E. Benini, R. Ponza and D. Romano

Adjoint Methods in High-Lift Design Optimization
S. Kleinveld and O. Amoignon

Design of a High-Lift System for a Laminar Wing
P. Iannelli, J. Wild, M. Minervino, H. Strüber, F. Moens and A. Vervliet

Experimental Verification of the DESIREH High-Lift Wing at Aircraft Flight Conditions
D. Meissner, F. Cusset, J. Wild and M. Schulz

CFD-based Analysis of Wind Tunnel Installation Effects
H. Maseland and F. Moens

Contributions of DESIREH towards ACARE Vision 2020
H. Strüber, S. Kleinveld and E. Jesse