2/7/13    08:30 - 11:50
PP.30: Turbomachinery
Room: Holiday Inn - Forum 6
Chair: Luigi DeLuca
CoChair: Wolfgang. Kitsche
Rapporteur: to be confirmed
Dynamic design method of internal flow systems for rocket turbopumps
T. Shimura, S. Kawasaki, M Uchiumi, T. Kimura, M. Hayashi and J. Matsui

Fuel Turbopump for LOX-LCH4 Lyra Demo Engine
M. Rudnykh, D. Liuzzi, G. Caggiano, A.G. Kravchenko, S.V. Chembartsev, A. De Lillis and E. D‘Aversa

On the working process theory of high temperature jet and turbojet engines in experimental achivements light of modern physics
M.J. Ivanov, V.K. Mamaev and G.B. Zhestkov

P.I.V. Flow Characterization Inside a Large-Scale U-Shaped Smooth and Ribbed Rotating Channel
A. Ristori, I. Da Costa, F. Chedevergne, P. Roux and D. Carru