2/7/13    08:30 - 11:50
SI.09: Space Debris-II
Room: Holiday Inn - Forum 1
Chair: Vladimir Aslanov
CoChair: Michele Lavagna
Rapporteur: to be confirmed
Debris Selection and Optimal Path Planning for Debris Removal in the SSO: Low-Thrust case
J. Olympio and N. Frouvelle

ADR concepts from CNES funded study OTV
T. Salmon, C. Cougnet, R. Axthelm, L.  Lequette, C. Dupont, B.  Chamot, M. Richard, C. Saunders and A. Pisseloup

Astrium ST’s Active Debris Removal Systems
I. Retat, B. Bischof, X. Clerc, J. Magné and B. Mädiger

Active Removal of Large Massive Objects by Hybrid Propulsion Module (*)
L.T. DeLuca, M. Lavagna, F. Maggi, P. Tadini, C. Pardini, L. Anselmo, M. Grassi, A. Francesconi, N. Viola and U. Tancredi

Contact-less Active Debris Removal: the Hybrid Propulsion Alternative
M. Lavagna, R. Benvenuto, L.T. DeLuca, F. Maggi, P. Tadini and M. Graziano