1/7/13    15:30 - 18:50
SI.08: Space Debris I - Orbital Debris Mitigation Tools and Technologies
Room: Holiday Inn - Forum 1
Chair: Luciano Anselmo
CoChair: Valery Trushlyakov
Rapporteur: to be confirmed
Orbital Lifetime Estimation using ESA‘s OSCAR tool (*)
V. Braun, J. Gelhaus, C. Kebschull, S. Flegel, M. Möckel, J. Radtke, C. Wiedemann, H. Krag and P. Vörsmann

Space Debris Mitigation Support : POLPO® Software for a Green Access to the Space (*)
S. Sanvido, M. Andrenucci, T. Fossati and M. Volpi

Applying of Gas-generating Compositions for Liquid Rockets Effectiveness Improving (*)
V. Trushlyakov, D. Lempert and M. Belkova

Controlled Deorbiting of an Upper stages from Placing Orbit of SLV with Oxygen-kerosene Main Liquid Propulsion Engine (*)
V. Trushlyakov, J. Makarov, J. Shatrov and A. Baranov

Removal of Separating Parts using a Liquid Rocket Engine
S. Muriana and V.I. Trushlyakov

Astrium perspective on space debris mitigation & remediation(*)
P. Voigt, D. Alary, C. Cougnet, M. Oswald and J. Utzmann