Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods are a variant of the Finite Element Method which considers an element-by-element discontinuous approximation. They can be interpreted as a generalization of Finite Volume (FV) methods, but providing a natural framework for high-order computations and p-adaptivity. DG methods inherit several of the properties that make FV widely used in CFD, such as, inherent stabilization with proper definition of numerical fluxes, local conservation properties and efficiency for parallel computing.
Despite the first DG methods were proposed in the early 1970’s, DG methods have gained special attention from academy and industry in the last years, thanks to the recent developments and new trends.
The objective of this summer School is providing a background in DG methods and current trends, including formulation, analysis, implementations issues and applications, with special interest in aeronautical applications.
It is structured in 12 modules of 2h teaching, divided in 7 theoretical modules on the foundations, new trends and efficient implementation of DG methods, 3 modules on applications in aeronautical industry, and 2 modules in Computer Laboratory for hands-on experience in DG methods.
The school is addressed to an international audience of graduates in Engineering and Applied Sciences, and is mainly targeting PhD students, as well as professionals from the public or private sector, seeking an introduction or a deeper knowledge of DG methods and its applications.
A solid background in numerical methods for partial differential equations and computational mechanics is necessary to properly follow the course.
This summer school is funded by the FP7 European Commission projects
• ATCoMe (ITN in Advanced Techniques in Computational Mechanics, Marie Curie Actions)
• E-CAero (European Collaborative Dissemination of Aeronautical research and applications, Aeronautics and Air Transport Coordination and Support Action)
