Keynote Lecturer: José Ángel González Coupled analysis of nonlinear structural motion and fluid sloshing
J.A. González* and K.C. Park
A component mode synthesis approach for vibration transmission analysis in a multi-storey wood building
O. Flodén*, J. Negreira, K. Persson and G. Sandberg
Iterative methods for coupled stochastic field problems
R. Niekamp*, M. Krosche, A. Doostan and H.G. Matthies
FULL SPH analysis of failure and leakage of shells filled with water under impact loads
A. Combescure*, F. Caleyron, V. Faucher and S. Potapov
Influence of Air Cavities on Flanking Transmission in Lightweight Building Structures
J. Negreira*, O. Flodén, D. Bard and G. Sandberg