  About the Center for Advanced Studies of Ibiza
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  Content of the Course
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The ECCOMAS Schools have as the main focus to allow young researchers working on their doctoral thesis to have an "immersion" into a specific field of research in computational methods in applied sciences, while certainly being open to all other scientists from academia and industry.
This "immersion" will be achieved by attending a specifically designed lecture series by well known specialists in this field, and having the opportunity to present and discuss their specific research problem with these specialists and the other participants.

In this way young researchers and other scientists working to enter a specific field will be able to quickly obtain an overview and become acquired with the state of the art and relevant techniques in this field, see connections to other fields, and be able to identify promising areas of research.
Additionally, these schools help in creating a European network of researchers in a specific field, and thus aid in advancing the state of the art.

In many problems in the engineering and natural sciences, the behaviour of fluids and solids/ structures has to be considered jointly, as neglecting the interactions may lead to completely erroneous results. There are abundant applications in aerospace marine, civil, industrial and mechanical engineering, as well as in areas such as biotechnology, medical technology etc.

Most of these problems are not amenable to exact or analytical solutions, and approximative numerical techniques resulting in computational models have to be used.

These techniques, the coupling and interaction, numerical procedures, consistency and stability, efficient and fast solvers, as well as the implementational, computational and informatics backgrounds are the focus of this school.


International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain. cfsi@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 / 97 -- Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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