CS - Alternative geometry descriptions and analysis integration II | We10O02 Room: N1190 Chair: Gershon Elber Co-Chair: Jessica Zhang |
Topological optimisation of vibration levels under periodic load with Moving Morphable Components (MMC) E. Denimal, F. Haddad and L. Salles Abstract |
Flux aligned quad-meshes generation with complex topologies for a high precision computation within Isogeometric analysis M. Wu, Y. Liu, X. Wang, B. Nkonga, B. Mourrain and G. Xu Abstract |
Isogeometric Multiscale modelling of Kirchhoff-Love shell structures D. Tsapetis, G. Sotiropoulos, G. Stavroulakis and V. Papadopoulos Abstract |
Fully C1-continuous isogeometric analysis of deforming surfaces of arbitrary shape and topology Y. Pan, Y. A. D. Omar, R. A. Sauer and K. K. Mandadapu Abstract |
Bridging the gap between CAD and FEM solvers with interfaces and data treatment for the use of the isogeometric B-Rep analysis T. Teschemacher, P. Dadvand, R. Wüchner and K.-U. Bletzinger Abstract |